When This game will give an Update for squadron feature?

I feel like SQUADRON only used for play together sqb sqvehicle research
what if there are more feature like uhhh… but

Make squads from it more regularly…

Squadron battles when they are running…

World War Mode when it’s running…

Lots of reasons.

when is the ww mode usualy started?

No-one knows, just gotta watch the news feed, and pray to the snail.

Personally i find the ww mode mostly only brings more buga

Half and half… I liked that last assault test we had though where you were taking on the town, and the artillery was there…

And subsequently the morser test where you could take control of the field guns…

I think we may be having some different fun before long.

Only happened 2 or 3 times ever. They struggle to balance it and the servers usually die too.