When is Gaijin going to spend time fixing the Abrams?

I recently made a thread about the gunshield missing a sizable amount of armor in front of the gun rotor and behind the Nera packs which got ignored. The evidence is there, a piece of armor is visible missing in game.


Then there’s the Abrams Turret ring which has been accepted but nothing was ever done.


There’s also the hydraulic pump which is in the wrong location and has also been accepted.


Fuel bulkhead wrong thickness


There’s also the engine sound which is much louder than it should be.

There’s a multitude of other problems which have been bug reported as well.

These problems affect 10 different models. When is Gaijin going to actually fix at least some of these issues?

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Lots of talk by moderators but no action


I was suggesting you post your bug reports there as well to get more people to see and interact with them

Laughs in operation desert storm


Congrats, you found and issue with every tracked vehicle in the game!

Congrats, I read through it, and it doesn’t matter, it will nerf the tank even more the way it would have to be implemented with a leak in the hydraulic reservoir meaning there is no fluid or pressure to pump the hydraulics.

1-2 inches of fuel…

With another 40mm plate behind it…

Another nerf to anti-spalling and survivability.

Realistically, at a minimum, it would instantaneously remove your ability to have a vertical drive. That’s if it doesn’t pen, which with over 500mm of pen that top tier rounds produce, will not change a thing about protection.

Congrats, you’ve made no points whatsoever and wasted time doing it.

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I made 3 points, 3 points that reveal your just nerfing the tank further…

Is that supposed to mean something? What context does that have at top-tier facing Leopard 2A7, T-80BVM, T-90M, ZTZ-99A, and all the other top-tiers? Woah man, your Abrams took out some export tanks in Saddams Army, that were without support - mind you. Should we bring up the Abrams getting nuked in Ukraine in response, like is this how petty we’re getting around here?

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why fixate over what mm armour a tank has in such a crazy muddled game as warthunder? You are fighting NATO tanks on a WW2 or American 60s map in your M1 ffs.

Actually yes, no Abrams were knocked out by tank fire in the Gulf war. Frontally shot Abrams took no damage by t72s armed with 3BM15s.

Abrams getting nuked in Ukraine by drones, yes, by a t-series no. That one story was after the crew bailed out and the T72 shot it point blank. In comparison Russia lost like 80% of it’s tank arsenal.

Some? Zero Abrams destroyed via tank fire. Iraq lost 3200+ tanks. While that is a whole number including cas and Bradley kills, still crazy.

Why ignore glaring problems that affects gameplay and enjoyment?


“Reported issue 10 days ago”

only 10 days lol you must be new

also unless the game explodes Gaijin usually doesn’t do anything over the Christmas period until ~Jan 20th

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It got denied.
“Reports that are based on assumptions without any reference to numbers are not acceptable.”

They won’t even take the time to figure it out themselves.

Why is everyone shitting on this man he make fine points to a current problems with the abrams
also a bug report on 120s turret Community Bug Reporting System 5 months and no fix
also i think gajin is delaying so they can get more info on the abrams but thats just spectaculation


They can’t stand the fact that they’d have to actually try if the Abrams was fixed, that or just pure hatred for the US. This game would be defunct overnight without US players lmfao


I love it when people mention Desert Storm when talking about the M1 Abrams. Go ahead, put the M1/A1 at 9.3, see how it goes. The Abrams’ reputation is inflated so much because of them fighting much inferior tanks, like T-72A’s and T-55’s.

As if all USA players only research USA tech tree and play nothing else

Pretty much. Few can deny that there are issues with USA at top-tier, for example:




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But it has nothing to do with the Abrams itself.

I’m sorry if US propaganda has gotten into your heads about a tank that is quite subpar to the Leopard 2, and one that had its development stunted because the country spent decades using it to try root out insurgents, rather than to face off against the weapons it has to face at top-tier (In WT, Abrams has to face off against CAS elements that can take it out from many KM away - not a problem seen in Desert Storm/Iraqi freedom, while also facing opposition tanks who have access to much more modern rounds with penetration values which can and will dispatch of the Abrams - not to mention the abundance of other weapons available to other sides that can melt you). Having a high kill ratio against some Iraqi’s who could hardly find the reverse gear in their tank and were often firing obsolete projectiles at targets they probably had no hope of seeing most of the time, due to their lack of support, adds nothing to your arguments to buff the Abrams. It’s just being petty, like how I mentioned Ukraine (where most vehicles are simply taken out by drones and artillery - and Abrams/Chally were quite unsuited for the terrain and operated in outdated assaults which had no hope of succeeding).

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Can the tank crew manually select the turret when the hydraulic pump is damaged? I’m going crazy with the problem with the hydraulic pump.

And what about DU armor?