Hi, I’m wondering when the F5C is going on sale as I’m trying to get as I had enough suffering with the 3.7 BR P51 and also should I buy premium now or wait for the F5C to go on sale.
After this sale ends, discounts on vehicle packs will begin in the Gaijin.Net store — we’ll tell you about them separately on December 26th!
[Shop] Seasonal Discounts in War Thunder! - News - War Thunder
Since you are a new player, getting F-5C pack could give you even worse experience. You will have to learn about jets, missiles, radars etc.
Your main goal should be to have fun in the game, not to rush everything. If you struggle with P-51, then try to enjoy different planes. Maybe different BR, maybe different nation?
The goal of the game is to have fun, not to reach the top tier in the shortest time possible.
We don’t know if F-5C will be on sale
The pack sales start on 26th december (i think), but we dont know which packs will actually be on sale so the F-5C may or may not be on sale, however if you are a new player i dont recommend buying any top tier premium and especially not the F-5C. Even tho it was made for CAS irl , in war thunder its pretty much a pure dogfighter, it lacks any radar and can only carry 2 Aim-9Es (10G IR missiles) which you shouldnt rely on at all because most aircraft at that br have flares and the missile is only 10G so you can just outturn it if you have enough speed. The guns paired with the F-5s excellent flight performace (due to it being very small and light) are what you will be getting kills with , but without any prior experience on top tier jets and good aim you will suffer a lot and will most likely have no fun and a very bad game experience. If you are interested in the game and you are okay with spending some bucks i would buy a premium account for 180 days for 20 bucks and grind the air tree to about the rank IV. There is no point of rushing to top tier with premium jets because you wont learn anything and then you will get clapped at top tier and not have a fun time at all.
It will be. It is on sale on PlayStation right now, as PlayStation players get their sale early sometimes.
Console sales and PC sales don’t always match. I know because I asked my PS friends if some vehicle was on sale for them. It was for them but wasn’t for PC a week later.
I’ve seen that people say its good for grinding
I’ve seen people say its good for grinding + I want the american tree cuz I love US fighter jets but the P51 is so bad
Calling the P-51C-10 Mustang bad?
That’s a new one.
If you suffer with a p51, you’re going to be a flying frag in 10.7.
it is slightly bad imo it doesnt turn that well and has small caliber weapons but I use that mostly and I got also the P-51D-5
and do you have any recommended 2 columns in the IV section that would be good and help me? im 1 plane away from getting into that section?
Since you are playing Air Arcade (and this is the game mode I know better than Air Realistic), I must admit that I’m not a fan of most American propellers there. Most of them work with Boom&Zoom tactics, but they won’t work in turnfights.
If you want premiums, then you can focus on planes that can actually turnfight, like XP-50 or Bf 109 F-4.
At rank 4 in the regular American tech tree only F4U are interesting in Air Arcade.
You can also learn to Boom&Zoom, it works but it’s not that effective in Air Arcade. Ironically, it’s much easier to use this technique in Air Realistic.
In Air Arcade I definitely prefer planes that can turnfight. My favorite planes are probably Russian Yak-1 and Yak-3, they are simply amazing.
The American propeller tech tree is one of my least favorite tech trees in the game. Probably also because it was the first tech tree I played. That’s why I suggested to try other tech trees. If someone forced me to play P-51 in Air Arcade, I’m sure I would get bored very quickly.
For quick grinding… it’s much better to play Air Realistic.
I get more silver and points in air arcade than realistic tbh :sob: