When can America get more ifvs?

but you said the stryker wasnt a battle taxi???

striker not strYker, i misread. my definition still stands

i saw my mistake in vehicle identification and admitted it

all good

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The one I can find USMC EFV prototype, both LAV-25 & 30 TOW and Bradley proposed upgrade prototype with 30mm. There is also Stryker Dragoon with 30mm & Javelin ATGM or JLTV with 30mm using modified M230 Apache gun firing HEDP I think.

heres the armys website https://www.dote.osd.mil/Portals/97/pub/reports/FY2018/army/2018strykericvd.pdf?ver=2019-08-21-155808-150 THIS IS PUBLIC NOT CLASSIFIED

it gets sabot

What about the Merkava is it a tank or a IFV because it can hold like 6 people in the back or Namer 30 thats coming to the game that is based on the Merkava.

Wait is the M230 variant mount on JLTV have sabot? I don’t recall any development on that.

it did on dragoon so they probably could implement the sabot since its the same gun and caliber

I guess? But I expect it have less pen since it use 30x113mm instead of Stryker 30x173mm.

my b

The 152mm APFSDS on the obj 292 is the best round in game in pen and spall

No problem. It just I don’t how much pen you can get out of 30x113mm velocity since the HEDP have at least 50mm pen at all range.

I was speaking MBTs, not tank destroyers given medium-tank spawn points as an alleged nerf.

  1. You said best round in game, never specified
  2. The object 292 was an MBT testbed for the 152mm gun like the Abrams CATTB, not a tank destroyer. It is on a T-80 hull with a T series style turret with T-80 armor and a Russian MBT style autoloader and crew layout, and MBT mobility

2- It was a gun test bed, not an MBT test bed.
Which is why it only features one gun: The 152, a basic FCS for testing, and that’s it.
It’s effectively an M10 Wolverine without a machine gun and turret roof.
M10’s on an M4 chassis, doesn’t make it a medium tank.

This is also about IFVs, sir.

i dont want to be that guy but this abt ifvs lets get back on the subject

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