What's Wrong with British Tanks?

i havent gone back down to the centurions and fv4202 but back when i played it would be:

1 - shoot apds and crew turns yellow

2- get shot with aphe on turret forehead and tank goes boom.

you are right about the stabilizer, it does help the team mates who shoot the tank after i do.

The problem in calling centurions mediums is that most heavies operate at the same speed. 35kph max puts you in the area of Tiger 2s with only slightly better acceleration. Your turret armor is nowhere near a heavy tank and that makes centurions even worse. When the Centurion Mk3 was 6.7 that was fine. Its been a long time since then and the BR increases have made a cornerstone of the brit tree mediocre.

Challengers are all some of the slowest tanks at their BR. Khalid is also slow compared to almost all of its competition and turning burns all speed due to weight.

Offroad speed is good… in a straight line. Brit tanks are very heavy for mediums making them burn all speed on turns.

Almost all non-russian tanks match brits in gun depression. -10 is very common. Now, i’ll admit the conq and chieftan are two of the best hull down tanks in the game, but they pay for it in so many other ways that its hard to put them on a pedistal.

APDS is sabot. Armor piercing discarding sabot.

Speed is relative. In most my British tanks eg centurions, challengers, chieftains etc I can still make the cap points with the leopards, Russians and the Abram’s tanks 3specially if crossing off road. They lose way more speed then us. One thing I do and try to encourage others is use your left and right brakes to turn, burs less speed and turns much sharper. Can’t think of his name but there is an American youtubers that just hangs shit on British tanks every single time and can barely say a good thing about them but he gets a nuke almost every time he plays them and he almost always ends up pushing their spawn by the end of battle so it has the speed and aggression to do it. He does better in them than his Americans and Germans and still dunks on them. This in my experience is the attitude of most players. No matter how well they perform they repeat the same tired nonsense.

Centurion armour is quite good I feel people greatly underestimate them either that or they are over estimating other turrets because they are almost all easy to kill if you know them.

Slowest doesn’t mean slow though, just want to be clear. Challenger is fast enough to do all the mbt roles. Not fast enough to be a light tank but push a front it can do and that’s its job.

British tanks are usually - 12 to - 14 gun depression leading up to the end of ww2 content. Post ww2 drops to an average of 10 your right and my brain still working with how it was when that was the bulk of the tech tree.

Apogies your right, at the time reading sabot my brain was just seeing apcr for some reason. Your right sabot is apds.

Brits aren’t perfect. Many lineups have been neutered by br, solid shot was nerfed with

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What are you talking about

Centurions are up-tiered as hell 7.7 with an 84mm cannon that in reality can’t pene T54 front upper plate not to mention APDS have no post pene dmg at all in the game and behave like solid shot AP

Black Prince has better armor than Tiger I Seriously did you check the protection analyst not to mention side tracks have a room with ammo 95mm rolled armor does not save you even from rank II tanks and you do not need to aim at the copula down there is 38mm armor that you can pene with reserve tanks is just a joke comparing Black Prince to Tiger I that have better layout of the armor overall + cannon and ammo that actually work

APDS is amazing at killing 1 crew and shattering most the times

Tiger II another tank that has better ammo can 1 tap you most the times

Vickers Mk1 has Royal Ordinance Factories L7 105mm gun that why is good is the same with Leo 1 but the armor on is is from a light tank even BMP with 30mm can kill you from the front joke on you thinking is amazing because of the Gun

Centurions got upgraded to Royal Ordinance Factories L7 105mm gun in 1959 yes and why use guns in-game from early and late 1945 is this Gaijin balance because of Stabilizer and people crying

  • Remember that War Thunder has more that 1 game mode and tanks behave differently on all of them if you camp behind Rocks and 1 tap people on the side think the tank is balanced no is not you have years of difference in Tech and in Reality 84mm cannon was unable to pene T-54 at the front upper plate and Gaijin put it in the game so you play vs T-54s its a joke
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Ngl I find the Strv 101 fine damage-wise, honestly a wonderful tank.

The 84mm post-pen sucks, I do agree on that

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20pdr would be fine of it had she’ll shatter removed. That crap is bull.

Black Prince is definitely way better protected then a tiger. There is no genuine justification to say otherwise

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No more so than a Churchill (it’s has the same armour thickness layout, although the turret has a mantlet so volumetrics can save it). Overall no more than 152mm, which is comfortably delt with by the APHE on both tigers if not properly angled. Don’t get me wrong it’s definatly well armoured, but I wouldn’t say obnoxously so, especially considering the price you pay for that armour. 18KPH is very hard to win matches with on most maps, and with a 3KPH reverse speed it’s hard to both angle, and disengage.

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It is better then the Churchill 7 the armour configuration is better and allows you to angle where the hull front and side are over 200mm. The 7 isn’t the same

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I just want to say that the Conqueror is one of the most painful tanks I’ve ever played

Yes because Gaijin considers all the 7.7 and down Ammunition APDS as early APDS and they are inaccurate shatter and don’t have spalling at all not to mention stops on the first module and death crew

So Conqueror with only APDS and HESH is a joke tank like the Cents with 84 mm pounder at least the Cent can you APCBC but the pen is mediocre at 7.7 and no HE filler.


The 105 is a good gun, love the APDS on it.

The 20pdr however is a piece of shit and can go die in a hole cause it sucks.

Personally, when it comes to the Centurion I’d like to see:


  • P1 to P4, or P11 to P16: Doesn’t matter which one Gaijin chooses from these they’re basically all the same. Worse hull armour than Centurion Mk I, lower rated engine, and worse ground pressure due to narrower tracks.
  • P5: As above, except with SSS gearbox. Premium tank, slightly higher reverse speed than above with 22.5km/h.


  • P6 to P10: Again, doesn’t matter which. These are the P series tanks with the coaxial 20mm Polsten.
  • Centurion Mk I


  • Centurion Mk II Early: This would be the tech tree vehicle. Has the lower rated meteor engine than the current BP Centurion Mk II.
  • Centurion Mk II Late: Small rename to the BP version.


  • Centurion Mk III Early: Has the original 20-Pdr with muzzle brake, no APDS ammo.
  • Centurion Mk 5 AVRE


  • Centurion Mk III Late: Small name change and dropped to here.
  • Centurion 32-Pdr: Added here


  • Centurion Mk 5/1: BP vehicle no changes.
  • Centurion Mk 7/1: We already have the 5/1 as a premium, so lets add the 7/1 instead.


  • Centurion Mk 10: Add a new module that turns it into a Mk 13.
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Not sure we can add that seeing as it was a test tank with a gun that was fixed in place in the turret with no elevation or depression.

That’s not what rigidly mounted means.

The gun on the 32pdr Cent was fixed in place to test recoil effects on the turret ect.

No, it was rigidly mounted to test the concept.

Probly cuz the solid shot that Brits like to use so much, too bad the game isn’t like irl where the crews bail the moment their tank are penned and aphe fuse failure are common. Also god awful reverse speed.

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