What's Wrong with British Tanks?

Incorrect =/= bad. Things can and are good despite incorrect factors being present.
Regenerative steering isn’t simulated in any game ever, and has only been suggested seriously within the last couple years. Regen steering benefits all 10 tech trees.
On top of that, nearly all tanks are more mobile than their real-life counterparts, including and especially all Centurions.
APDS being amazing is unrealistic? lol
I haven’t noticed anything about HESH performing any differently over the last 5 years outside Overpressure replacing Hull Break.

So Germany, Japan, USA, China, Italy, etc are given intentional buffs because they use APHE/APCBC? lol
Your post is hilariously wrong.

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the spalling is unrealistic. you think its amazing, most of us who have functioning neurons know better.

are you only playing for 5 years?


I’ve been playing since 2013, I’ve been active since late 2018 once I could start spending money on the game again. I only remember using HESH since 2018, I used APDS since Britain’s introduction so I was there for all of APDS’s changes, as well as APCR changes which was “buffed” in early 2019. Just as APDS got the biggest “buff” in 2023.
Spalling is armor fragments dispersing. If you mean the round fragmenting, APCR and APDS aren’t as fragmenting as APFSDS or AP rounds.

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so tell me, why arent apds as fragmentable as apfsds?


wouldnt that only affect the ammount and not the arc?

Don’t tell me tell gajin

The tanks are horrific. Through 4.0-7.7 nearly none of the tanks are durable in the slightest. The best you can do is the centurion mk1 that is similar armor to the panther. You aren’t all that fast and your reverse speed is often glacial. The only tanks that have standout firepower have been upteired (charioteer, centurion, challenger) and now reside at a BR where their guns are only slightly higher pen than competitition. You also have had a TON of HEAT throwers added to the game which nearly eliminated the advantage brits had over their competition.

Then you have the guns. HESH is non-functional. AP is mediocre. APCR is still a dice roll of fail pen, zero postpen, or average damage penetration. APDS is functional, but exists on platforms that can’t use it well. Tiger 2s take 1 shot to kill you, you take 2-3 to kill them back. Neither of you should be bouncing any significant quantity of time.

So what draws you to the brit tree anymore? nothing. Bad tanks, mediocre (at best) ammo, few standout tanks, and a looong grind up to BRs where you can actually enjoy APDS.

The big draw to the brit tree used to be singular standout tanks with bad BR brackets around them. Churchill III was incredibly durable, Charioteer was a monster of a gun, centurion mk3 was a railgun with tons of modern features, and the FV4005 was the biggest derp of the game. All have been upteired (often MANY times) and changed to the point they don’t resemble their draw points. Now they are all in the ‘mediocre’ pile.


FV4005 has never been up-BR’d.
Centurions are all great at their BRs.
Conqueror is one of if not the most armored 7.7 in the game.
Black Prince is more armored than a TIger 1.
APDS is amazing and consistent.
Tiger 2’s not shooting back after your first shot to them.
Like this performance wouldn’t be possible if the tanks were bad…

Despite my skill issue in light wheeled vehicles and Vickers Mk1.
Oh and Comet when I played it in 2016/2017 before I learned from Tarkov how to play War Thunder ground better.

FV4005 have been nerfed to the point of non-functionality. 183 hesh used to be OHK, now its a dice roll.

Centurions are all average at their BR. Mk 1 is nearly universally worse than a panther. Mk3 has a stab, but is a BR where a bunch of IFVs also do. 2/3 of its games will face competition that now also have stabs. That was its ONE big advantage.

Conq has always had great armor, but the recent change to the 120mm round has made it unusable. Great, they added more pen, but now its postpen will fail to kill tanks 1/2 the time. What used to be a reliable UFP OHK round is now another dice roll.

BP is premium.

APDS has shell shatter, which already negates both your sentiments. APHE doesn’t have fail to fuse, but it was far more common than APDS s hell shattering. Just a strict nerf to brit tanks.

Tiger 2s most often don’t shoot back when you shoot them once. But they do reverse around corners or hills giving them time to reload. Or make you take 20+s shooting them to kill all their crew. Mean while their teammates can see your muzzle smoke, identify, and shoot you back.

Performance is nearly meaningless at this point. Brit tanks have ben changed so much that stats don’t reflect the modern iteration of the tank. Thats rather the point, there HAVE been times where brit tanks have been good. They are gone. Post-volumentric change the centruions were true monsters. But then they ALL got upteired. I played brits early on, abandoned them, then repeated the cycle of picking them up and abandoning them through different eras. Going back and playing 4.0-7.0 recently with a friend has shown me how awful they are now. Seeing shell shatter on side armor 3x in a row last match had me put the centurion mk1 down again. Its age is gone.


183mm HESH is OTK for me, never once had it fail, but I also barely use it cause I prefer Tortoise.

Shell shatter means the shooter failed to aim correctly.

HESH hitting wheels will often fail to propigate damage to the hull of a vehicle. HESH hitting spaced armor will often fail to put postpen past the air gap. HESH cannot proc overpressure (APHE, HEAT, and SAP can). 5mm engine walls will often stop HESH postpen. Weld points for two armored plates will often cause near-zero postpen (try the UFP\LFP weld point on a lot of tanks).

Shell shatter happens on any armor>50mm and increasing chance with higher armor. Aka ufps. Where you should be shooting with a lot of rounds. Its literally a random chance, not based on skill of any type.


Shell shatter is based on the angle you shoot, nothing more.

Straight false.
APDS does have worse slope pen modifiers than AP as it doesn’t ‘bite inward’ like many APCBC rounds can. But thats not what shell shatter is. You can pen 70 degree angles with APDS rounds. Shell shatter is based on effective armor and is a random chance. <50mm effective armor won’t proc shell shatter (side skirts). That being said, of course slope does increase effective armor and therefore shell shatter chance. IS series inward sloping side hull is notorious for shell shatter because of this, even though your effective pen should put it through every single time.


Just like the USA when compared to the USSR.

Good maneuverability? Whatchu smoking they are less maneuverable tham heavies


I actually prefer most American tanks to those from the USSR, I never really liked playing USSR tanks.

Hesh used to have a wider spall cone iirc, the 106 recoilless still has the wider cone. The issue with HESH is the fragment’s don’t bounce, so a sloped plate directs all the spall created straight into the floor where it disappears, the old wider cone let enough spall head into the turret basket to eek out ohk. If I’m remembering right the nerf was in mid 2017, so its understandable if you’ve never experienced the true cheese of hesh

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This, overperforming APHE and underperforming solid shot. APCR underperforming, as well as shattering and ricocheting way too much. Then there’s HESH, which is just hopeless.

The tanks themselves are fine, some historical issues here and there that have been or need to be reported, but the main issue is the ammo.