Whats up with the tortoise

recently acquired the mighty british tutel, only to find myself in constant 7.3-7.7 uptiers against tanks that my 94mm APCBC cannot pen. example being the jagdtiger (6.7), which i basically cant pen anywhere but the machine gun port, while the pzgr 43 can pen my entire front and 1 tap me from any distance.

i read somewhere in old posts about the tortoise having a potent APDS shell made for it, and i believe it would make the pain a little more bearable (the 5.3 challenger APDS has more pen than the tortoise’s 32-pounder APCBC) since at the moment trying to frontally fight anything, which is what this tank was made for, is downright suicide

and before people say ‘‘well just dont play the tortoise then’’ that is not the point, if the only advice people can give is to not play a tank then there are some serious issues that should be fixed instead