What's the next step for helicopters?

Older helicopters that could actually be fun, e.g AH-56

You’re not gonna get flak for it bro, like 7 people play naval


Only problem with this is the slant range on most ship air defenses is greater than the effective range of the seeker on the lightweight torpedo designed to fight subs.

Now the Penguin……

FnF AGMs for all nations is the clear next step.

I’d like to see it along with airplanes but I fear they’ll botch the implementation yet again.

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For USSR we could get the LMUR missile. It can be used on the Mi-28NM and KA-52M (when added). Its fire and forget, has as 14.5km range, speed of 230mps and has a 25kg HE war-head.


Semi-related: hopefully there is a step for M197 equipped helicopters (AH-1Z and AH-1W) to receive the PGU-28A/B SAPHEI Belt

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They should fix heli grind etc before adding new stuff

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Not 7, dont be sillly… more like 4 at peak hours.

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sh-2 seasprite

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fade into obscurity most likely, they’re already mostly irrelevant sans the occasional ground crawler raging a rocket Ka-50 got 1 kill in 10 games.

If they gave OH helicopters a scouting mechanic and fixed the 58’s MMS I bet we would see more helicopters

Nobody is grinding a Kiowa for passive gameplay that can done with a scout drone

Of course not. Because they were never given the mechanic that was their primary job on the battlefield.

They should function like a light tank though. That was their entire purpose, and why they aren’t AH-58’s

If heli scouting functioned as light tank scouting it would actually be good, and that’s why I don’t see it being implemented that way

I’ve always wanted heli scouting though, mostly as an excuse to add the OH-1 Ninja.


There really isn’t a good reason not to add the mechanic. Just need more call for it.

Same with EW and recon airplanes.



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By interact with Ai Infantry (both enemy and friendly) and help support teammate (Mostly Utility Helicopters duty).
Like transportation supply/Infantry , adding door gunners , add Ai to gunner/Co-pilot turret

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On a similar note, I’d love to see more utility added to helicopters. A CH-54 Tarhe with the ability to pick up and drop off light tanks would be a boon. Plus, the Tarhe could carry a Daisy Cutter, so you could even use it like a Pe-8.

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Theres a few good reasons to add scouting for SOME helicopters. There should be limited scouting ability for lighty armed helicopters like the Gazalle, AH-6, Z-11, or OH-58.

  • They don’t have a large enough payload to really effect the outcome of the game
  • They’ll usually run out of ammo before they even do anything useful
  • They can scout vehicles that other teammates can’t see
  • They are extremely vulnerable to aircraft, SPAA, and machine gun fire
  • Stock grinding these helis is nearly impossible, especially the ones without CCIP
  • They are literally designed to be scout helicopters
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