Whats the best shell to use in warthunder?

if u wonder what the best shell in warthunder is its armor piercing high explosive ballistic capped shell because when the shell reaches its target the a part of the shell brakes then the other half piracies armor then the third part explodes. For aircraft use stealth shells idk watch a yt video about it.

It really depends on what tank you’re using. Most of the times its going to be APHE or APFSDS, but each tank can be different. What tanks are you using right now?

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Differs entirely. The Type 92 shell on the Type-90 has 21mm penetration whereas the Type 3 shell has 55. In this case, the Type 3 shell is better (HEAT) even though its shell type is one of the worst in the game.

For offensive armament use whatever has the most percentage of HE/HEF/HEI/API/APIT. For defensive armament use the most with AP/API.

and t-34

Carry mostly BR-365 with maybe a couple BR-365K shells.

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The T-34-85?

nope the 5.3 rank one

Soooo the T-34-85?


Same thing, carry mostly BR-365 with maybe a couple BR-365K shells.

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I never even take BR-365K, I never have a use for them

i just carry like below 20 shells so that will be okay.

I’ve used it a couple times, but yeah the use cases are small.

17 BR-365 and 3 O-365K imo

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i will test how much it explodes with those shells and without or with a smaller amount so i don’t go to a much and i go kaboom when an enemy fires a single shot.

I just checked, take 18 BR-365, 3 O-365K, this fills up the first two ammo racks exactly. The first ammo rack only holds 12 shells which generally is not enough for a medium tank, and less than 21 and more than 12 is a waste, just take 21.


What if your tank doesn’t have it?
