whats the best 9.3 mbt out curiosity as i was looking for something to replace my leo 1a5 could be any country
T64 is fun
The M22
All of them are great. Though Olifant Mk2 is a 9.7 pretending to be 9.3.
Olifant mk2 is like a clone of M48 Super, though the Super feels a little bit faster in terms of acceleration. Israel can shit out more 9.3 Magachs than anybody else lol Gal Batash is right there being one of the better one for sure. Soviet actually feels like the weakest one in terms of FCS.
Probably the early T64/72, they are basically the same tank but at a BR where nobody else has real composite
mbt-70/kpz-70 if the round is accurate
also honorable mention xm803 if the round is accurate
There’s a lot of options, don’t think any single one is the ‘best’. All have relative strengths and weaknesses.
T-72A or ZTZ96, maybe Olifant.
The 1A5 is by no means overtiered but it is definitely one of the weaker 9.3s
Maybe if the M48 had DM63 instead of DM33 lol