What WW2 vehicles would you like to see in WT?

ww2, y’know props, early jets, moving steel ingots with the word tank on them, boats, slighly bigger boats (maybe when gaijin gets to ww2 in naval without drowning naval in a river like a rejected spartan baby).
Since moderns vehicles tend to get a little more love than ww2 ones at the moment, I open this little funny thread for you guys to drop your vehicle suggestions in here that served during ww2 and maybe not even deployed but with built prototypes.


DH.98 Mosquito B Mk IV

An actual bomber variant of the Mosquito with its 4000lb bomb load. Was previously not really possible because it would be impossible to balance in both Air and Ground modes. But with the F-117 as an example of radical BR difference possible these days. It is 100% time for it to be added. Would be great fun in all 3 game types and exactly what Britain could do with on the Bomber front


I’ve been waiting for someone to add the bomber variant of the mosquito, can’t wait, gaijin when?


I mean the Harry Hopkins is here now so I’m a little lost for tanks (other than lend lease stuff going into a few trees like the Valentyn) however I can think of a few planes.

the defiant, need I say more its a legend

the mosquito mk4. it had a 4000lbs bomb so would be very funi to use for CAS

Several missing marks of Supermarine spitfire and spiteful. There was A,B,C and E wing variants of many marks with and without clipped wings that are missing that id love to actually see. Especially the pointed wing spit, it looks like a low poly version from when the code for war thunder was made

the spider crab (prototype vampire) and other super early jets


I’d like some WW2 allied arty, Bishop, Preist, Sextion(and other 25-pdr things).

Else I’d like a few more Shermans like the A6 and if I’m allowed to say C&P, Sherman V for the UK.

There are likely a few more things I’d want but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.


would be cool to see a birch gun too

Bob Semple, Spiteful, Seafang, Spitfire Mk8, 109G2 (non trop) for 🇩🇪, more ships!

Idk how close to ready naval is, but I’d love to see the Prince of Wales, Tirpitz, Bismarck, or Yamato ingame eventually. Primarily I just want these so I can “ooooo” and “aaahhh” at them in the hangar

Air-wise, I’d really love to see some of just the dumbest possible planes, things like the V-173 or BV141, things that would make little sense but would be funny to see nonetheless. Hell, even though it’s technically a weapon, add the Mistel to that list. I honestly would not be mad if my Sherman got obliterated by one

For ground, obligatory Bob Semple, but add the Tog I and the T-60 if it’s not already ingame (bonus points for A-40)

Wespe tank, The actual luxes we wanted. Maybe the He 280 the predecessor to the me 262.

Like the Missouri, Bismarck, and Yamato.

Would it be hard to balance though? It would basically be a prop variant of the Canberra B MK 2. if I recall you would have 3 variants, 1 limited to 4 250lb bombs, 1 with 4 500lbers then the 4000lb “cookie” carrier.

Tank, Cruiser, Centaur MK IV CS (Close Support)
Tank, Infantry, Mk IV (A22) Churchill VIII CS (Close Support)

XTB2D Skypirate:


and the Curtiss SC Seahawk:


I can see them being fun and unique low tier event premiums.

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Stug IV for Germany and maybe a Stug III for Finland.


The version armed with a gun is 3.7 and has similar speed to most other aircraft at its BR. At least I don’t recall leaving things in my wake last time I played it.

Take away guns and the only form of defence is speed. So I would need a BR drop. The mk18 drops down to 3.0 with the removal of some guns, so I would estimate around 2.3 - 2.7 with no guns at all.

Now imagine a 2.3-2.7 bomber that Is small and agile enough to avoid enemy SPAAGs with ease but with a 4000lb bomb in GRB

Wow, I like giant planes


I would love something like the L-4 Grasshopper, specifically “Rosie the Rocketer”.

Unarmed scout plane but with 6 x Bazooka’s strapped under the wings. I think it would be a good fit for an event vehicles, perhaps a Dream’s Come True event vehicle?

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As a Kiwi as much as I’d love that it wouldn’t work. Schofield tank would be better

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We need a Bob Semple event