What would be the problem if Aim-120's get added?

F-5C mounted countermeasures in the service of other nations - the only thing ahistorical about this is the F-5C with CMs being in US service.

F-15A appears to be a MSIP package plane, not your first Eagles that rolled off the production line without CMs and so on.

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its either a pre production EFT or CF18

The C should come with at minimum the 63v1 radar which would be a significant improvement over the 16Cs current radar. It should also bring HMD, BOL CMs, and TGPs to the jet. These are a significant step up from the current F-15A.

An AIM-120A or B is comparable to the R-27ER which is already in game. The AIM-120A/B should’ve been in game a long time ago.

I believe gaijin no problem add AIM-120 AMRAAM from 90’s (AIM-120A/AIM120B AMRAAM & Rb.99) in 2nd major update and AIM-120C-1/AIM-120C-3 AMRAAM in 3rd major update this year

No not along time ago

Would not surprise me to see nations being made to eat dirt with things like the F-4F ICE, J-8F, Tornado F.3 with ARH missiles against F-15C/Su-27s with AIM-120/R-77.

But it’s ok because they’ll be 0.3 BR lower or something.

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An early 80s radar(what we should have)Community Bug Reporting System should be a significant step up to the current radar and all radars ingame.

Why do you think stuff like sparrow seeker head, western mprf and the current radar isn’t fixed?

But ofc is just easier to say shit works like soviet radars and have their deficiencies. Like a 30% range reduction of max detection range for acquisition->tracking when roughly its 10% for teen series fighter.

And God forbid any serious deficiency on soviet stuff like rwr and horrible clutter problem. Community Bug Reporting System - Community Bug Reporting System


Banger post.
For some reason it didnt reply to mig 23s post starting with “alright…” but thats the post i meant lol
I lean more to the r27er being able to beat early amraams simply because of how gaijin has added nato/us tech in the past.
Aim7s barely work and if they did they still just lose to 27ers based on kinematics.

Everyone thought aim54 would be a beast but who even takes more than 1 or 2 for a yolo at the start of the match, they also dont loft like they did (a problem they share with hellfires which are just horribly implemented)

People thought spikes would destroy the game and render all tanks useless, now anyone who plays a spike equiped vehicle would prefer any other missile at that br range.

For air, its pretty obvious what would happen. They obviously view the r27er as being comparable to the aim7/skyflash/530s otherwise they would of waited for an analogue for nato forces before adding them.

The amraams will be dogshit on release or ill be very surprised.


R-27ER out speeds and out ranges the AMRAAM, enabling the shoot down of the AMRAAM carrier aircraft without incurring excessive risk.

That’s how it is IRL, not due to Gaijin’s implementation.

I disagree, add them to everything that can mount them and re-balance a month later when they decide what is best.

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All of you can say what you want about the Aim-120. But if they do add it, it better come on the AV-8B+ so I can troll Su-27s and F-15s with a AV-8



Guess you’ll be surprised since you’re predicting something that’d be abnormal.

People where mainly concerned about Spike NLOS, which people know probably would destroy the game because Gaijin added it once as a bug and it was ridiculously powerful.


You say that, but that’ll never happen.
As much as I wish that they’d apply that approach.
How often do we get BR changes again?

gaijin will probably go the eagle dynamics route and make arhs ridiculously easy to notch

Ah gotcha didnt know that, cheers.