What would be the problem if Aim-120's get added?

The added the smt too early

Gaijin stated that they’re attempting to add FOX-3s for all nations at once, unless I am mistaken.


That was the impression I was under as well - I suspect the next major patch will be some new variants of existing planes added (F-15C, Gripen C for Swedes, so on) but primarily focus around Fox 3s.

Please god no
not yet

F-15C wouldn’t be out of place… it’s radar would be the equivalent or a touch better than the current F-16C radar, it’s engines would have better thrust but not game breaking. It would just mean it can equip AMRAAMs. This is a guess because since when does Gaijin like to add top of the line weaponry to the first variant. ( I know the F-15A in game can equip amraams, see above.)

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That’s my problem their
Tornado fires AMRAAM for first time | News | Flight Global
It will not be a fun time

In that we have to grind a whole other plane just to get weapons the first one could use anyway? Or the introduction of AMRAAMs onto a top tier air superiority platform?

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if the F15C comes with AMRAAMS i hope to get a Equivalent for all nations like a pre production Eurofighter
Not the EAP

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Even if the preproduction Eurofighter came, Sweden mains would be furious that their little dogfighter only lasted a patch before being outclassed lol.

They said they will drop Fox-3s for all applicable nations in one update, no mention on what airframes that will be on.

pre production has pd radar and worse engines
Their would be no need to moan

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I mean that’s kind of the hope. Ideally we’d all get them on low capability airframes, not F-15s, and Su-27s from the get go. that would truly be miserable i feel in terms of balancing.

Yeah it need to built up their is plenty of low performance airframes that have fox 3 the only problem is the Gripen c will come to Sweden at the same time and their is only one reason they delayed it for them and its fox 3

the only feasible way Sweden could get theirs on a low performance airframe is the Finns get a Hawk 200 with AMRAAM slinging ability.

But with the Gripen C i doubt its coming to low performance first

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I doubt it too.

I just hope they use a bit of sense when adding these missiles. Otherwise anything below top tier is likely going to be trashed.

I certainly wouldn’t advocate for AESAs radars in 2024, however I don’t seem to recall the eurofighter being fitted with any other engine beside the EJ200s?

A couple of the development aircraft had RB 199 engines (the ones used on the Tornado) while waiting for the EJ200 to become available. The development aircraft are a controversial topic though, due to lacking countermeasures etc.

Well just do a F5C or F15A

While the remainder of the DA series Typhoons had the EJ200 equipped… fingers crossed for an early event vehicle maybe?

Not for a long while