What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Unfortunately, we’re going to be severely lacking within those BR ranges. I think the only aircraft that would actually fit within the 5.x br range would be two Spitfires (I think LF Mk.IXe and Mk.IXc iirc) from Norway so we’re probably never going to see them.

Eh gaijin will only add norway vehicles as prem amd as they and Denmark aren’t confirmed subtrees we cant expect them to be used to fill gaps.

Unless gaijn dips into paper designs with the J27, yeah.

J27 would be a little too paper, the J21B is more likely if they choose to go that route.

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The J30 mosqitoe

Or the J21RA, the J21 with the jet engine but still with the 13.2mm

They really should give the J21RA the 13.2’s, as it stands right now there is literally no reason to take the J21RA instead of the A21RB.


The RB has both more fuel, engine power, armaments. So why play the J21R

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Literally the majority of the jet strike fighters are better than there fighter counterparts

Well, the reason the J21RB got a upgraded engine was , later development, to manage the heavier load

Did any of those actually get the 13.2mms?

Exactly, giving the J the 13.2’s would make it a choice between better guns or better engine. (Id probably still choose the better engine but still.)

Iirc they started with them and swapped to the 50. Cal later

Current CV90 MK.IV needs to be redone, its missing both APS and the 35mm gun


If someone can send the info for the APS ill put in a bug report




Closed that fast lmao what a joke


Problem is that technically it’s not wrong
The Hard-APS and increased caliber are optional, the MkIV can use the 30mm and go without the APS

So it’s either
A: the 35/50mm and Hard-APS is gonna be a modification
B: We are getting the weaker version until they copy paste it and call it CV90 Mk.IV (35/50) or something like that
Even worse would be making it a premium :D

Unfortunatelly this is an actual variant of the Mk IV. The Strf 9035 is a completely different vehicle. The real issue is the BR. This thing should not be above 10.0.

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Again it would be better to bug report it than anything else. 30mm at 10.7 makes it useless

The ones mentioned in the link is the CV90 Mk.IIIC which would be this one that Sweden and Denmark is currently buying, it does have a 35mm and Hard-APS

The one added to the game is the Mk.IV but with the 30mm gun and no APS, the APS and 35mm can be installed on it as seen here

After that there’s also the CV90 Mk.IV with a D-series turret which i’d wager would be a premium if added


Depends if gaijin decides to just leave it as is. They would need a different name to bother adding it. It wouldn’t shock me if they made the 35mm MK.IV a premium. Rn the 30mm is a pointless addition imo. Perhaps it could be pushed as a suggestion as a modification to change the gun