Gaijin could replace the Mi 28 with the fennec if they wanted to appease people though that doesn’t look like it would sell well considering its armament and what BR gaijin thinks similar vehicles are worth.
If that happens i will expect a refund for my purchase tbh :)
They dont do that, they would let everyone keep the vehicle that bought it.
This was a suggestion since so many people bitch and complain about it. As for the AHS, nothing can really replace it without people also getting upset.
Been trying to look for helicopters but so far i cant see anything regarding niche prototype helis from my homes military aside from the Fennec. So looks like the only other thing they could add would be the MH-60 from norway (gaijin would have to copy paste it from the US) since the Norwegians are using it for anti sub activities. So far it has the mounts for hellfires but they dont have plans to use them on it
And with F-16, both addition will be great.
F-16 can be added from both Denmark and Norway. Both F-16A and AM
If gaijin adds them it would be best to go down a Benelux route and just give both vehicle each nations camos
Good idea.
Though i don’t expect to see DK/Nor ever added. Unfortunately i feel gaijin will leave sweden air with 4 lines. Similarly to how when isreal gets a sub nation they will also only have 4 lines.
I believe we will see DK/NOR eventually, most likely they will added when interest to Swedish tech tree becomes less and less.
For ground id like to see their more niche stuff be added like the NM-116 and the ETS program vehicles over stuff like Leos. CV90 and ect would just be neat. Though id be lying if earlier WW stuff didn’t also interest me. For now though Air is where theybare needed the most. The air tree for sweden really isnt great with the majority of the TT being a fighter and then a copy paste of said fighter but with CAS capability. Having access to other vehicles would help diversify the TT. Yes there is a lot of copy and paste but id rather see stuff that can fill in at BR’s we dont have stuff at or have stuff that actually helps fill CAS past 4.3
Air is definitely the least interesting part of sweden especially after the Drakens were basically executed FM wise. Besides rank VI is an actual black hole that makes players avoid the tree like the plague which is fair.
Get ready for Premium Viggen with IRST and Aim-120’s, thats a good way to catch some Whales and make Swedish Air tree popular again.
Nah, it’ll be the F 35 nothing screams brainless premium material like the F 35
That will be the first rank 8 prem when added
Please dont, thats the only Draken that has both flares and RWR :)
J35Ö would like a word
My mistake then, still those planes shpuldnt be premium and considering how they butchered Draken’s Fm i doubt most people will buy it.
Also the only chance sweden has at decent CAS from 8.3-13.0
Finnish ZSU-57-2M with radar and programmable ammo, whatever that means (HE-VT? AHEAD? idk)
Who needs the ability to turn when you can fly in a straight line and bomb?
It had a radar also so like 8.7
And thats why J35XS ended up at 11.3, God helps to J35Ö and F35 in that case.