What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Lätt trossbåt with a NEMO mortar turret, would it work in game?

Standard HE shell in a direct fire roll would do some damage, would be cool with the gps guided ammunition as well.


Just had a guy point out that the tank in the video definitely features indicators/brake lights that are unique to Finnish T-72 so you’re definitely right on that point. Still wonder how far FINMOD really got though

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Isnt there a Finnish T72 that had a RENK ESM 350 Transmission and Wärtsilä France V8X 1000 hp engine



Finnish T-72M1 with Wärtsilä 1000hp engine and RENK ESM 350 Transmission - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum


This video i think has been posted before as a suggestion for a modification to the current T-72 though iirc it was denied since gaijin had no plans for any other T-72’s on finland or any plans to change them. If i find the post again ill link it.

I mean… it does give a unique T72 that’s similar to how the MBT 2000 and the VT4 in manoeuvrability its on gaijin for not adding a historic and unique tank from le fin.

It just follows the pattern of gaijin not giving a fuck about finland lmao. Especially if the leak list is true. At this point why argue with it. If i mention it i normally have someone who think i want sweden to be OP (since you know they seal club at every BR since they are a devs favorite nation /s) Or i might get someone who thinks like a sane person and just sees my want as any other TT person (a rarity i must add)


There is also a Finnish T-72M1 with the V-84-1 engine of the T-72B, would increase HP from 780 to 840. This one would be a significant jump beyond that. There was a suggestion but I think it was just never migrated to the new forum

Could try it, i just finnished up my suggestion for the ETS fingers crossed

Welp with the chance that the 5.0 Klimi might be added id like to remind you of the gun you have vs 1 one tier target and one target .3 below you

Both 300m away

The Soviets currently have the KV-1 (ZiS-5) at 4.7, and yes, as show in the screenshots it does often struggle to pen the VK 3002M and Churchill VII. The Churchill’s only benefit is obviously it’s armor, as its mobility and firepower are basically non-existent at 4.7, so it can’t really move up or down in BR.

The VK 3002M should be 5.3 minimum, the problem lies with having a Panther of any sort at 5.0, not the vehicles of 5.0 and lower being unable to kill it.

I also don’t think the difference in frontal turret armor (90mm on KV-1 (ZiS-5), 105mm on KV-1C) is truly enough to justify a BR of 5.0, basically every 5.0 and above vehicle can easily defeat that, and the ZiS-5 gun would be borderline unusable by this point.

Would be nice seeing the T-34-85 with the german 75mm gun that Finland tested
It wouldn’t require 2 much work from Gaijn as it it’s mainly copy paste, which might motivate them to add just 1 more vehicle for Finland

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Thats the problem. If the leak is real and the chinese leaker (dont remember his name) has been right so far. It means youll essentially be forced to pay to get skullfucked. Im just saying it simply isnt the vehicle finland needed because gajin hasn’t expanded upon the br’s where it will be introduced. That is why i have argued the KV-1B would be the better option since it fits on a lineup. Unfortunately thats always going to be on germany meaning the only finnish kv-1 is going to be a dumpster fire that will be forgotten about and inevitably replaced as most premiums that dont sell well do.

I personally don’t really care whether or not the KV-1A or KV-1B ends up in Sweden, but I will say that adding either of them behind a paywall is pretty scummy considering the obvious lack of a tech tree heavy.

As for the lack of appropriate vehicles to make lineups, I will always stand firm on my opinion that the only way to eventually create said lineups is by adding temporarily odd BR vehicles that suffer a bit until more is added. Of course premiums should be placed at already established lineups, since people are paying money to play them, so I agree that the KV-1B would be a better fit for premium (even if I’d rather it be in the tech tree).

I doubt that the KV-1A will be a “dumpster fire” though, generally most low-mid BR premiums sell moderately well, especially if they are vehicles from major nations. It’s a KV-1, Swedish players are going to want it regardless of if there is an appropriate lineup; at least there are multiple rank III Sweden vehicles that have more than enough penetration to work in a deliberate uptier until more is added at 4.3-4.7.

I hope the leak list is lacking a lot cause i’m gonna need more than 1 prem vehicle for Sweden


Thats the new way sweden gets vehicles, premium only

If i dont get another rank II-III swedish/finnish TT tank im just waiting untill the next update. I cant bother

Lvkv m/43 would be fun, or smtin else. Wouldnt mind a Swedish armoured Car like the M/41 or smtin

Buut, i wouldnt mind a pvtgb 9011 or 1101, they would be fun

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It would be an event vehicle or it would never show up those afe the options gaijin normally chooses

looks AMAZING gaijin plz add

If only they’d add it…