My wish to gaijin is to Just not treat the ZSU-57-2 as a SPAA filler. Stop using it as an attempt to fill in the SPAA line. While you can use it as an SPAA the ammunition it carries disscurages you to use it as an SPAA.
I’d really like some remote turret options as some of the other nations has them
there’s a few CV90s and Patrias like that but obviously still waiting for the UDES 20XX

maybe nothing since every sweeden tank is op, they gotta focus on fixing modern tanks they’ve just added and the current winrate of usa should be fixed instead of adding more tanks.
There is currently a thread talking about “SPALL LINER SUPER OP, REMOVE!” and similiar if you wanna check them out
These are issues tackled by separate teams and are not mutually exclusive to one another.
There’s a team that goes over balancing issues and another few that goes over vehicle additions.
Vehicles i wish Gaijin would add is the Saab J21RA before its 13.2mm got switched with 12.7mm
And i want sweden to get all the different cars such as
Volvo Valpen and the other speedsters:
pansarvärnspjästerrängbil 9031 (pvpjtgb)
pansarvärnsrobotterrängbil 9032 (pvrbtgbil 9032)
pansarvärnspjästerraägbil 1111 (pvpjtgb 1111)
Armored Cars:
pansarbil m/31 with 37mm canon
Pbil m/39 & Pbil m/40 (tech tree plz)
Pbil m/41
Funny lookin car:
Terrängbil m/42 (kp bilen) 4 variations.
Modern cars:
“Galten” Terrängbil 16
“LEMUR” Terrängbil 16
I think that this Finnish up-armored T-50 would be a hilarious addition to the game and would likely lead to some funny balancing issues.
Yea, its be fun to confuse 3.7 Panzer fours XD
There is also a Finnish T-34-85 that was armed with a Pz.IVs long 75mm cannon, but not pictures exist of it unfortunatley.
I want Strv 123A lol
We gotta wait a few years for that one :(
Also German players would be like: THEIR ARMOR IS STRONG, DON’T MAKE THE GUN STRONG TOO!
well 2A7V deserve fix really but i just want to eat Russian alive with new strv
And they would be 100% correct.
Ive been in favor for this thing since sweden came out. It still confuses me how they picked a SPAA with less known data than this thing?!
i mean the Lvkv 42 or Bofors Försöksmodel/49
Please discuss this in the appropriate article… Dont bring it here too
Here discuss it here, Just dont bring it here for the love of god: Strv 122 Upgraded to Strv 123A with L55 Armament (2026) Can you focus on lowtier a bit now - #29 by Zyranovos
And there are two variants, and they dont have too different models. So easy to implement!
Jumping back here, What we really need for Sweden is some more Low-tier domestic options such as:
The remaining Strv m/42 variants, Mlav, Strv m/40K, Ikv 72 (105mm), Pav m/43, Provisorisk Spj, Rerv fm/43, Tk fm/49, every missing Pbil variants, and that’s just to name a few. Really sucks with how much low tier stuff we’re missing, especially Ww2.
Pbil m/41 (37mm):
Provisorisk Stormpjäs:
Reserveldrörvagn fm/43:
Not gonna bother you with the rest lol, just the 3 most interesting.