What Vehicles are Sweden in most need of ”the wishlist”

Pansarvärnrobotbandvagn 452 (Pvrbbv 452) RB56 BILL missiles


Yes a classic, Love that thing.

Im just wondering are there any intresting Norwegian, Finnish. Vehicles that can be added. Since they are apart of swedens TT

there was the Chaffe with upgraded sights, gun and so on, HEATFS with LRF i think


Potential 10.3 or 10.7 Strf9040s


Rememberd this post, made by a norwegian so assume he has an easier time with it


Ridiculous as it may seem, i would want the “Standard Tractor” with a 37mm bofors, bad but fun.



Same with if your tracks get shot off on the BT-5-7M

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Is this a “late” variant of the C, or is it something like a “D” modification.

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And with barracuda camo


That sounds fun

Yes, I saw that, have you seen my post over those camo “nets” and MCS’s?

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Yes, I believe it was called the NM-116

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Yep i have

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Doesn’t really have any official names from what i know
1st one was shown off as a potential REMO modification that could be made which just increases side protection so could potentially just call it Strf9040C+ as it’s the company that made the Strv122B+ armor upgrade

2nd one is made with German AMAP-ADS (APS) so it should negate HEATFS and missiles to some degree or completely and as you can see it covers pretty much the entire vehicle

same APS is on the CV90120-T (2007)


gonna say it time and time again, Denmark is not a confirmed addition of the sweden tree.
As of right now it is not part of the tech tree. Even if it gets added would only purely premiums like norway

The Strv123A is crap lol, sweden is living in the last century, when everyone else has ordered 2a8s and will have them at the time, sweden starts getting 2a7vs for themself

True but they released Norwegian voice lines back a while ago and some of the lines were about low-mid tier tanks which means they could potentially be adding more norwegian vehicles in those tiers which might be research

You’re so right, Gaijin should lower the BRs on them to 10.3

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i am fairly certain thats a german cross on the vehicle