Tbh, APDS isn’t really an upgrade for these 40mm bofors. The APHE is however the main selling point of these.
Hopefully they give it the VEAK treatment, but no proxy fuze. Because proxy means instant 8.0.
Tbh, APDS isn’t really an upgrade for these 40mm bofors. The APHE is however the main selling point of these.
Hopefully they give it the VEAK treatment, but no proxy fuze. Because proxy means instant 8.0.
Id like to see the Cv90105 TML back, historically accurate of course. Put it in the tech tree and we have it good.
Yea it doesent actually have it neither does the VEAK 40 or Lvkv 42… just read this. I know its not fun but its how it is, And the original Velocity for the Lvakan 48 is 1005 m/s~: Community Bug Reporting System
Yea, the model already exists so suuper easy to add
Speaking of the Lvkv 42 this thing!
Translation: One of the two Lvkv m/42 chassis was used to test the VEAK:s Radar
Also, while they are at it, reclassify the XC-8 and TML CV90105 as medium tanks as originally advertised. Not that it matters, but it would be more accurate.
Pansarvärnrobotbandvagn 452 (Pvrbbv 452) RB56 BILL missiles
Yes a classic, Love that thing.
Im just wondering are there any intresting Norwegian, Finnish. Vehicles that can be added. Since they are apart of swedens TT
there was the Chaffe with upgraded sights, gun and so on, HEATFS with LRF i think
Rememberd this post, made by a norwegian so assume he has an easier time with it
Ridiculous as it may seem, i would want the “Standard Tractor” with a 37mm bofors, bad but fun.
Same with if your tracks get shot off on the BT-5-7M
Is this a “late” variant of the C, or is it something like a “D” modification.
And with barracuda camo
That sounds fun
Yes, I saw that, have you seen my post over those camo “nets” and MCS’s?
Yes, I believe it was called the NM-116
Yep i have