What Variants of the AIM-4 did the F-4E get?

I found some pics on the internet with F-4Es with AIM-4s loaded, and i’m just curious what variants it got, such as any of the SARH variants and did they get PD seekers?

also did even the late variants of the AIM-4s get proxy fuses?


Only AIM-4 model I’ve heard of mounted on the F-4 was the AIM-4D, a late IR model. And I think only F-4Ds used them operationally?


damn, it’d still be nice to have some missile variety in the US though, AIM-9s are cool but russia has loads of different airframes and it’d be nice to see something else

AIM-4s were mounted on J35s as well though. And for the US, check out the F-106A which used them extensively, both IR and SARH models


i have checked it out as well, F-106 faster than a clean phantom while the F-106 is fully loaded

J35F i believe is the first variant with AIM-4s, sweedes also bought AIM-26s

I’m interested in the F-89H and J too for their AIM-4 compatability, i can’t find if they had guns or not again

F-101 too would be great, apparently the A had wiring for AIM-4s but exclusively used guns whereas the B ONLY had 4 aim-4s

Know anything about late variant proxy tho?

also seems the japanese bought AIM-4s for their EJs but i can’t find anything about israel or IRIAF

I don’t know F-4E Block 40 or Block 53 armed AIM-4

But not forgot in vietnam war F-4D (USAF) shoot MiG-17 & MiG-21 by AIM-4D

found something terrifying…

it’s an AIM-4G not d tho


Test firing to evaluate C-130 ECM systems

yeah i read too but it’s fucking funny how they attached it, they used the fact it’s attached to bomb pylons in this vein:

and they used a TER

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According to an F-4 Armament Systems Handbooks (USAF) (Other versions for the specific model like the F-4E also exist)

The AIM-4D (on the ?L-41, -42 or -43 rail?)was able to be mounted on Modified F-4Ds (#64-970, mid block 26 airframes and later), US F-4Es retained the capability, the only FMS sale F-4D/E to retain Falcon capabilities was the Greek sales to allow for compatibility with stocks held over from their use of F-102, probably for training purposes.

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so, where does the myth of F-4C AIM-4s come from?

new info, AIM-4G and AIM-4D statcards






Here’s some more info from Weapons File 1984 (thrust, sustain etc.)


The F-4C was part of testing, I don’t believe there were any service aircraft modified to carry them.

Arming America’s Interceptors: The Hughes Falcon Missile Family - pretty much a one stop shop for Falcon info. The ‘number crunching’ section is is interesting. Ultimately the design met it’s end due to technical reasons rather than the usual story of its ineffective.

i can’t find where it mentions the manuvrability of the falcon, where should i be looking?