What USA plane to play if you want to compete at the top? I don’t get it i struggle to play USA team dont get many kills. I got a bad PC so i cant play the fast Br 5,0
Do you have some nice battle lines in USA? up to 5,0 Dont want to play jets.
Thank you
f6f-5 is a good plane even when facing an upper (at higher speeds at least since it gets sluggish at lower speeds) ad-2, and the ad-4 are good planes
Would need to specify game mode.
However, in air sim I found the following planes very pleasurable to fly:
P-51 Cannon Mustang:
- Powerful quad-hispanos with a good amount of ammo
- Cheap to spawn
- Very popular BR bracket
- Nice gunsight
- Handles in a friendly, forgiving manner
- Good low alt performance
- Decent visibility for the bracket
F4U-4 Corsair (50 cal version):
- Lots of 50 cals with near unlimited ammo
- Terrific visibility all around, barely any deadzones.
- Very good gunsight for getting deflection shots off.
- Handles a bit less friendly than a mustang but still very forgiving
- built in landing-gear+airbrake system that makes recovering from steep dives safer and landing more straightforward
- Cheap to spawn
- Good BR brackets except for days including 6.0 and 6.3 (ju-288 spam)
I cannot recommend these planes enough. They’re my favourite things to fly as america.
I havn’t flown them as much in sim, but I found the various “Cobras” nice to fly as well - tricycle gear, nose mounted guns make them somewhat beginner friendly as well and held back only by low ammo counts.
In RB, I found the F8F-1 “Ovencat” (MEC recommended) quite enjoyable before it had its BR reduced. I imagine it will perform even nicer.
Bad PC? mine is also a potato but it runs okay, it should be doable (especially if you use the old videocard setting)
Also, I’d recommend the p51’s