What strange naval vehicles would you like to see?

This is the PLAN Jiujiang, a destroyer converted into a fire support ship armed with 250 grad rockets:

Why not?

SSV-33 of Pr.1941 " Titan " class, electronic reconnaissance ship:

Longer than even the Kirov -class nuclear powered cruisers, which it shares the CONAS powerplant w/. The armament is completely different though, being almost entirely dedicated to close-in AA - two AK-176 in single turrets, four AK-630 CIWS, eight NSVT in four double-mounts, and sixteen Igla SAM 's in quad launchers.

And a hangar for Kamov naval helicopter. Of course.


Project 12081


Displacement (tons):
Standard: 390
Full load: 450
Dimensions (m):
Length: 55,13
Beam: 9,14
Draft: 1,44
Speed (knots): 23
Range: 540 nmi (10 knots)
Autonomy (days): 10
Propulsion: 3x3800 hp M-504B diesels, 3 fixed pitch propellers, 1x200 kW diesel generator, 2x100 kW diesel generators
Armament: 4х1 9K32 “Strela-2” SAM system launchers (9M32 missiles)
2x1 100 mm D-10-T2s - 240 rounds (Project 12081 - added “Bastion-K” (9M117 anti-ship guided missiles))
2x6 30 mm AK-630 - MR-123 “Vympel-A” fire control system (om MAK-10 - without fire control system, Project12081 - 1x6 30 mm АК-630 without fire control system)
2x2 12,7 mm “Utes-M”
2x1 7,62 mm PKT
2x1 30 mm BP-30 “Plamya” grenade launchers
1x2 140 mm ZIF-121M “Sneg” rocket launcher (120 M-14OF rounds)
1 “Aquilon” combat laser weapons complex - Project 12081
Electronics: «Nickhrom-M», «Mius» navigation radar
Complement: 32 (4 officers)

This vehicle can be used to test laser weapons.

Admiral Kuzniecov, the only vessel visible from space.


Ramb III ex-banana boat, Eritrea, Faa di Bruno monitor.



The auxiliary cruiser Hjälpkryssare Warun (Hjkr 5), she was a cargo ship before being turned into a warship during ww2.

Leif Eriksson

Whatever it is no Submarines please then the tiny playerbase of Naval’s going to be half than it is now, nobody wants to have their big battleship that they grinded for 1 year to be sunk by 1 big invisible torpedo out of nowhere…

Same can be said for Cold War missile boats VS Battleships, if those were added it’d be terribly unfair for the big ship as are the Rockets vs old Heavy Tanks in RB :/

Most likely it will take more than a few. Battleships usually have torpedo bulges that soak up most of the damage

WW2 submarines are also very slow underwater and easy prey for any semi-competent destroyer

It depends on the ship and the torpedo. Most ships below 7.0 do not have torpedo bulges and many ships at 7.0 do not have torpedo bulges.

Anti Torpedo Bulges didn’t appear until 1914 and there are several ships in game from earlier years. Existing ships also would have had to wait for refits. Many ships never received them them at all and relied instead on improved DC as speed was more important than the armour meta of battleships.

BBs would be very unlikely to be sunk by single hit, but subs usually fire a spread of 3 or 4 anyway and the cumulative effect of multiple hits can exceed the individual sums. The games dodgy flooding mechanism will do half the work for you.

But whilst not easy targets the game is far from real life. Top tier is full of circles of death filled with barely moving large ships lacking any smaller partners in an integrated fleet. A sub won’t need speed d or tactics when it’s a point n shoot environment.

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