What should i buy? [IS6 or T29 or Somua SM

So it’s hard choice i tried them all it felt like Somua can’t pen much from the front from a medium distance i also went over armor for all 3 tanks and test drived them all but still not sure which one
[I main germany and i usually go to the front]

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Somua sm can absolutely pen everyone that you can ever see except the is7 in front or it’s from a special angle, if you learn a bit weak spot you will see that you can easily kill maus, all the other is and american heavy tanks etc.

I find it a really enjoyable premium, you can’t grind the whole tree but you will still do a lot of sl with it and you have one of the easiest lineup to do nukes with similar tanks (my friend who hate them did few nukes even if he couldn’t drop it).

It has many advantage like an autoloader with a quick reload, (you can’t shoot all your shells like that or else you will have a long time refilling your ready rack, you will most likely during the game go to a point to refill some ammo) some armor, (it won’t save you all the time) shells with a lot of penetration with a rangerinder and a quick enough speed.

alright, thanks i’ll go with the Somua in that case

Also I’d wait for sale in May when some packs are gonna be 50%.

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Depends on the tech tree you want to grind. I’d say the IS-6 is the worst of them, and the Somua being the best.

Russian bias