What’s Next for U.S. Top-Tier Jets After the F-15E?

What aircraft do you think will be added to the U.S. top-tier lineup in future updates? Given the current trends in aviation and War Thunder’s balance, I’d love to hear opinions on potential candidates, such as the F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II, or upgraded versions of the F-15 like the F-15EX.

How do you think these could fit into the current meta, and what new gameplay mechanics might come with them?

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id say give it atleast 2 years


Late block of F-15C/E perhaps?


Possibly, I’m curious how game will evolve in upcoming years, can’t wait for roadmap for 2025/26

First, the F/A-18. Then we’ll possibly see some new F-16 blocks favoring specifics like A2G or A2A, maybe some upgrades for the F-15s w/AESA, and some experimental stuff.

All of the planes you mentioned will have to directly wait for a couple of years to come.


Another american fighter aircraft 2 ~ 5 years

  • F-15E Radar Modernization Program (RMP)

  • F-16C PoBIT or F-16CM (upgraded F-16CJ/DJ Block 50/52 to F-16C/D Block 70/72 standard)

  • F-14D(R)

  • F-16C++ (Block 30)

  • F-16CG (Block 40) (late production)

  • F/A-18A (Early)

  • F/A-18A (late production) (might be pre-order pack because in the desert storm)

  • F/A-18A+

  • F/A-18C Early (from desert storm 91’s)

  • F/A-18C+ (AN/APG-65(V)2 or AN/APG-73 RUG II radar)

  • F-14A (1981)

  • F-14A (1997)

  • F-16C Early (Block 25)

  • F-22A Early

  • AV-8B Day Attack

  • A-6E SWIP

  • F-4E (1985)

  • AV-8B (NA) (e)

  • F/A-18C (AN/APG-79(V)4 AESA radar)

  • F/A-18E Early (Block I)


Hornet is next, but don’t you think Gaijin needs to allow other nations to catch up? US had hands down the best jet in the F-15C MSIP II and the F-15E is an upgrade on that.


other nations will get their jets as well over time, just like the US will hopefully get the above jets over time

though all of them in one update would definietly be something

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As a USA player I agree, I don’t need yet another F-15, F-14 or F-16 variant that is slightly better, what USA needs is top tier ground additions like SEP V3 and better Heli and SPAA as it’s worse than a lot of the minor nations right now.


There’s also the issue that other nations don’t even let alone have any jets to compare.

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Been waiting for the Typhoon, Rafale and Gripen E for a very long time and each update the US and Russia get another amazing jet.


gripen E way too new, rafale and typhoon are reasonable


Probably the F-14D.

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There’s plenty of things to be added dude, like loads. Whether experimental or prototype, to plain service vehicles. Bunch of F/A-18 variants, could get early and late F-16/F-15 variants with early and later Aim-9s, Aim-7s, and Aim-120s, the F-14D and F-14A Late, couple F-111 variants, later F-8 variants, later F-4 variants, bunch of twin seaters such as F-16B/D, F-15B/D, etc. The tree is far from finished and gaijin is far from finishing the TT.


1)We still don’t have any Hornet in game. Most possible variant.
3)Newer version of F-16/15 with AESA.

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Along with other nations…


Japan and Israel is that your counter point?

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US could get nothing for years and still be competitive, but I’m sure they’ll be getting a plethora of stuff they don’t need to continue dominating and they’ll continue complaining about it not being good enough.


Because heaven forbid the tech tree that has the most available to add, get even a fraction of their possible additions… Cry more


We are a couple years from seeing thee F22 and F35, Eurofighter and Fa18 are maybe around in the summer update