What modification's would you like to see added/removed?

They should add different belts for secondary auto cannon vehicles, or at least show up what they are.
Leo 2K
And Moderna T-72M2 have this issue

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Okay, you had me until G-suit and new boosters.
I already make G-suit a last mod to get for most aircraft unlocks these days, and I only grab new boosters when it’s absolutely necessary.

The reasoning is fairly simple: New boosters is a max AOA and roll rate thing, sometimes I don’t want that. Like I’m flying a Mirage 5 or A-4 and I just want to go straight fast. I’ve even uninstalled new boosters before going into sim matches.
And G-suit is a stamina thing, but outside of initial dogfight turn it’s not necessary so I tend to not unlock it until the last modification, especially above the BR of 11.0 where retained energy matters more than both AOA and stamina.


and THOR and extra pars and RMK-30 for Tiger UHT

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Rather 1.37

I mean yeah that good idea i’m sick of grinding after I bought new tank anyway

Custom ammo belts (mainly for Air) added.
SD 4 HL cluster Heat bombs added.

ww2 bulldozers for shermans

More camo nets for all vehicles. I would buy alot of GE to fit camonets to more of my vehicles.