What killed me?

Hey guys! Very new to the game. So I was playing M24 when suddenly my tank just exploded. Neither I got any hit, nor I was on fire. On the screenshots you can see the state of the tank just before explosion and also a combat log. It just says tank was destroyed, no other player was involved. Please help me understanding what happend.


Sorry, small edit (not sure I can edit original post), log says that I’m just destroyed (nothing about crew).

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Did you call an artillery strike where you were when you died? If so, you probably died to your own artillery.

Where were you on the map? Near the edge? On a montain, trying to snipe? These areas marked with red on the minimap, and not considered as the part of the map. A red countdown will start, and your vehichle get destroyed after it finishes. Or you accidentally pressed J.

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@Ion_Protogen I don’t think I used artillery.
@Csirkespite No, I was not on the edge, neither I presed J (moreover I should’ve hold it for 3 sec, right?).

Here’s replay, probably should’ve linked it from start. I someone would like to check 4:35 is where to start.

You probably ran out premium time😂

I only had my tank explode once, this was on Kuban, and I tried to drive into a building because I thought my tank would fit. Obviously I was wrong! I swear I was NOT cheating, I was just very curious about this little hut.

It’s true that these red areas are everywhere now. I get warnings when driving on streets, I’m not trying to climb hills but I sometimes get the warning for a couple of seconds.

In fact it seems you left the map. But it’s weird because the red countdown seems to be missing. It might be the nature of the replay tho.

Thank you, good to know. I didn’t have that cooldown in the game either, I’m pretty sure, as I know how it looks like and always notice it.