What justifies the Etendard-IVM's 9.0 placement?

I just really wish people who commented on a thread had experience playing the game.

You can pump them to gain turning you have to do it for ~1.0 Second otherwise yes it’ll lock up after 800 KM/H

You mean like myself…
Someone with over 1000 battles using those guns.
Specifically 1530+ battles and counting.

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If you haven’t learned something after using it over 1,530 times I don’t know how I can teach it to you.

Great, my F100 experience has finally ended after 850 games, J7E time.
First game: ARHs flying around dead in 25 seconds.
Second game: repeat
Now lets return to 9.3

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poor nose authority coupled with low velocity guns make for a pretty shitty aircraft. The etendard is not great in air rb, but gets ccip sneb rockets which makes it a menace in ground rb