What is the purpose of nvg modifications?

In WT 5.7 - 9.7, having Night Vision devices on your vehicle is utterly pointless if we don’t get night battles. It’s a complete waste! We need more frequent night battles when the option is toggled, and the lower light battles should be available down to the 5.7 - 6.0 range!

If you give me Night Vision, I’d like it to have a use, damnit! Otherwise, it’s just a waste of RP!

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I wouldnt say it is a waste of rp because you can just resesrch it last. At least it makes the mods in that rank a little cheaper.

Yea but its at the same level of usefulness as the plows or mine protection!

no worse since you cant use it ever!

If my memory services me right - night battles use to be accessible with lower rank vehicles, but Gaijin changed it 10.0 for whatever reasons, while vics with working NVGs remain as they are.

And tbh you can argue that you might want/had to take lower BR vics at higher for whatever reasons (like Im running BTR-80A in my 10.3 Soviet line-up because I just dont have any other light vics and dont want to spend actual cash on BMP-2M or 2S38 “Derivation”) or just really bad weather conditions (like stormy dusk/dawn, sometimes it gets very dark)

im aware, and its extremely dumb. they could just have made it a toggle!!

And reduce the grind? Nah, we dont do that here (unless the situation/balance so bad the Snail had to make some stuff come in stock (at least partially) like it was done recently with Fox-3 missiles)

NVG isn’t even useful in night battles… Being as flares are in the air 95% of the time. I remember making a post asking why flares are still used but tbh NVG won’t do anything for you if the night battles aren’t even dark anyways.

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now that you say it, yea why is flares there its required to have nvds unlocked to get into night battles!