What is the difference between the LFK SS.11 and LFK SS.11B from the Rakjpz 2?

What is the difference between the LFK SS.11 and LFK SS.11B from the Rakjpz 2 that isn’t that the second variation is labelled semi-automatic and is 25 SL more expensive?
It doesn’t act as semi-automatic.

PLS Help.


Did you researched and loaded it?

Yes I have tried using it but nothing happens.

What game mode are you playing? Arcade or Realistic?
They behave exactly the same in Arcade because there’s no full manual command guidance mode - all ATGMs act as though they have semi-automatic guidance.

In Realistic (and Sim I guess), the difference should be that the SS.11B follows the crosshairs with mouse movement (SACLOS), where SS.11 requires pressing movement keys to steer the missile independently of where the crosshair is moved with the mouse (MCLOS).


I play Arcade.