What is the current multipath altitude for top tier? I keep getting hit below 40meters… I had a game right now where I got hit twice by derby’s… Once at 26m RALT and once at 29m RALT.
Its 60m
ITS 60?!? I thought it was like 40… that sure is what it feels like at least…
Its currently 60m but it should be less than 5m
Not unless gaijin decompresses and gives all planes their best A2A loadout+chaff stock.
No, it should have been done last year, now is better than later, and later is better than never.
I hope gaijin never does it unless they decompress by a significant amount, as well as giving stock/non spaded aircraft a chance to fight back.
60M but the lower the safer
Its 60m, but generally works most effectively a little below that. If you are planning on heavily relying on MP, operate as if its more like 40-50m.
You have a chance, its called stay outside of the NEZ.
Not always. Flying super low, just moves you closer to the MP target, meaning more likely you’ll be hit enroute, and with large warhead missile like F-90s and Aim-54, the splash damage can be more dangerous than anything else
No escape zone?
So I should just ignore any enemies and never get close to them?
Ive not had many issues with blasts from aim 54 and F90 even in slower aircraft such as harrier, it may be from where most of my time facing them I’ve been hugging the ocean surface, I don’t know if water reduces blast zones bit it seems to keep me safe enough
No, you should fire at them as they fire at you and force them to also go defensive, then whoever makes the best estimation on the other players missiles energy state and whether it is safe to recomit or not can slowly push into the enemy players NEZ and score a kill, or you both run out of missiles and have to rtb.
It’s possible
That doesnt always work. I want MP reduced as well, but if you are in something stock, especially something that doesnt even get ARH. that doesnt really work.
Even forgetting about stock state vehicles. Something like a F4F-ICE vs Sea Harrier FA2, is not quite as clear cut as that. Even if both run out of ARH, the ICE can just come in for the gun kill or IR kill. In a headon 1v1, I would be reliant upon chaff to defeat missiles until such time I was confident to fire back, especially with the range advantage going to the ICE assuming both were at the same alt
ION, is right, chaff really should just be stock these days, especially 12.0+, locking that behind a mod does make stock grinds way harder than necessary
Decompression would certainly help mitigate some issues, there are aircraft that really shouldnt be seeing something like an F-15E and MP provides a degree of defence.
I don’t give a single fuck about aircraft below 13.3/13.7, The issues of Fox 2/Fox 1 slingers are irrelevant when I am talking about removal of MP, it can stay for any match with 13.0 or lower aircraft thats fine, I am solely concerned with top tier ARH slingers and the gameplay loop that they should be engaged in.
The Harriers are not designed for BVR combat against peer fighter aircraft, if they suck at a role they were unsuited for IRL its really just a reason to reduce the BR of it or provide some other incentive to play it at a disadvantage against other aircraft (like significantly boosted kill rewards or something IDFK). If you are choosing to play at a disadvantage then you should expect to be disadvantaged ¯\(ツ)/¯
Ideally the “upgrade” system for vehicles would be scrapped entirely and when you unlock a vehicle you get that vehicle and that’s it. But good luck convincing Gaijin to sacrifice an income source because “it makes the game frustrating to play”.
Another thing that would help is actually having maps of sufficient size instead of 60x60km death boxes.
No, it shouldn’t be 5 meters. It’s not that IRL.
The best citation for IRL is 40 meters.
AESA radar AMRAAMs get that down to <10 meters, but it still exists.
last gen sparrows could do under 40m, where did you get that citation?
Do you use Barometric or Radar altitude?
In the same settings as you can enable IAS and TAS and permanent engine temp displays, you can find an option to enable RALT.
Barometric altitude is fixed to sea level.
Radar alt is your true altitude above terrain.
This can cause some pretty significant differences at least.