So I played an SB match with my A10A and left before it ended , now I saw the rewards I got from the match and saw this , instead of the xp going for my plane research I got it on my free xp only , which is very weird
Example how it should look ig :

That’s usually how it looks when you have completed research on a module/vehicle, it only shows you how much went into that specific vehicle/module as you haven’t picked a new one to put the overflow into yet. So it doesn’t show the overflowing RP. I’m assuming that’s what happened anyway due to the fact that the F9F-2 is 95.000 RP to research and you got 64.154 RP on it previously and then likely had ~25.000 RP on it before that.
So if you look at the next plane you chose to research and add that to the 5.315 shown it should add upp to the total.