What did I do wrong here?

I’m trying to get the A Small Gift challenge completed. Tired of trying to bomb people who belly land on airfields, I took to blue water AB in order to get some more plentiful targets. I had 3 German 3.7 destroyers and brought my Bf 110 G-2 along to do the actual deed. I do rather well and get 650 SP. I J out of my destroyer and into my plane. I then proceed to saturate two ships with 50kg bombs. Great stuff right? 2 kills down. Unfortunately, it didn’t count on the challenge board.

The G-2 is Tier III. I’ve generally never had to have all vehicles in my lineup be Tier III to get a challenge done. The bombs were of the right size. I got credit for the kills implying that my bombs were the ones to deliver the final hit.

For whatever reason, the replay isn’t showing up on the official site. The match number is 3e6dbc20036513c if that leads anybody to it. Just wondering if there’s a reason the kills did not count?

Probably you killed bots, you have to target players.

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You’re exactly right. I’m so used to Air and Ground with no bots that I forgot that Naval has to pad the matches. Well, I’ll give it another go and make sure to aim for somebody with a clan, numbers, or a gamepad on their tag.

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