I’ve been playing War Thunder for a while now. I play on PS4 with keyboard and mouse. I’m not good at War Thunder and tend to lose more SL than I gain. It’s also taking me ages to grind anything. What can I do to improve? I really want to get better so I can enjoy the game again.
Note: I’ve got the M6A1, KV-85, and the Panther/Tiger H1.
No idea about tanks sorry.
IRL tank tactics don’t seem to be all that useful in War Thunder due to the way maps are and the way the battles progress.
just get a full lineup of premium tanks/heli/planes and go to ground RB and show to everyone how little skill you have in this game
Map knowledge is very important, same with learning from your deaths, learning from your kills, and learning from others deaths/kills.
Take time to see where others are going on any map, and see who has success, and who doesn’t.
Using your tank’s advantages (or your opponent’s disadvantages) is also very important. In the Panther A and Tiger I, you excel at sniping and longer range combat, while both are weaker in cqc. Also, remember to angle your Tiger towards the enemy if you end up in that situation, and remember that the panthers have exceptionally weak side armour, so don’t angle with them.
I can’t speak for the M6A1, but the Kv-85 is decent. When angled, its armour profile is decent, and it has a solid gun to go along with it. I would not recommend ever relying 100% on armour, because it doesn’t work sometimes.
Also get headphones if you can. Directional audio and being able to hear nearby tanks is extremely important.
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WT is pay2win. You need to invest to get better! But not in the game. You need a PC, a good hires display and you need a good controller setup. Keyboard and mouse isn’t ideal. You will have to check out the controller setup and experiment. There is much to be optimized.
When I started, getting an advanced mouse was the biggest improvement I had.
It’s the best way to play.
Maybe for you. If you like to play on a regular keyboard and mouse, ok.
I found a regular mouse very lacking and a keyboard difficult to use quickly.
So I use a different setup that works far better for me.
I play with a mouse (MB4 and MB5 included) and a 60% size keyboard. It works better than a controller. Way more keybind organization options
Two important tips missing from above
Know WHERE to hit…most targets have weaker points and knowing them improves the odds of getting a kill (or disable) with first shot.
(Although at longer ranges it is very hard to aim precisely)
Play with the team. If you go alone, enemies will target YOU and nobody will support you. Just having more guys around to divide enemy fire and have someone fire back while you reload/repair can be a huge difference
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