What are these?

As yall can see there’s a pair of pylon showed up under the wings which I don’t remember see them before this update. Was the model been updated or a bug?

probably a model change

Same thing happened to you?

not that i recall i prefer the FW190 A5/U2

Plyons for the X-4 AAM that was recently modelled onto the aircraft iirc, so maybe sometime soon they’ll get their AAM.

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Bruh what a wwii fighter get AAM that’s insane

Not really tbh as missile technology dates back to even before the first world war in regards to trying to get operational, here’s me wanting a 1920’s missile destroyer heh heh… (not really but that was a destroyer fitted with a very early cruise missile)

The Ruhrstahl Ru 344 X-4 wire guided AAM, they were the predecessor to the SS.10 & later SS.11 (which are found in game), the missile had a proxi fuze that would be set off by the engine frequency of a B-17.

The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 A-8 was one of the testing platforms along with the Messerschmitt Me 262 & Junkers Ju 88.

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Don’t get too excited. They were slow wire guided CLOS missiles. Remember the Japanese guided missile? Yeah like that.

Those pylons are for the Ruhrstahl X-4 air to air missile

If it didnt have them before, it does now. Just a pair of large rockets.

Wait You are telling me that Germans had AAM’s in WW2?!

They were testing stuff yes.
Also some test with ground launched AAMs like the Wasserfall Rakete

And the Allies did not have them at this time?

Cant answer that. i dont know.

Luftwaffe 1946!

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