Im trouble locating the flying AI targets in sim matches when im flying radarless aircraft (like the su-17). Whats like the general altitude to look for them?
They can vary quite a bit unfortunately.
I have, for whatever reason, footage of CL-13 Sabres on Denmark flying at ~1km altitude in my F3H2
Some other altitudes
- My last sim match, I intercepted them on sinai at around 3 km altitude (B-57s).
- With my BF109F4, I tend to find B25s at around a similar 3-4 km altitude range on Moresby, Sicily.
- With my F4U-4, I had a match where there were attackers at 1.7 km altitude (I can’t ID them)
- With my F4U-4, I found Ju188s on Tunisia at 2km altitude
- On Winter Stalingrad, I tend to find il-8s at around 1-2 km altitude.
- In my F86A5 sabre, I’ve ran into CL-13 sabres as low as 500 meters near naval targets on Denmark.
So over all, I’d look for bombers and attackers for lobbies between 4.0-10.0 at 1.5-4km altitude ranges.
Further complication is that when attacked, they start flying defensively so they can end up in really weird positions
CL-13 sabre LARPing as a dolphint at 70 meters
Another complication is that attackers tend to dive down near objectives.
For finding a.i attackers, searching near the ground battle is a good idea if their indicated position overlaps.
If your plane is a good climber, I’d personally try to fly low and search above me since black dots are more visible against solid blue over complex ground textures (unless it’s a desert map).