What are some unconventional vehicles you guy's would like to see?

Gaijin seems to be trying to remedy this with outside systems to buff these types of vehicles. Might be a stretch from whats revealed to say that exactly, but its certainly a possibility that something like say a BRDM gets added but it has mechanics added to it to make it competitive/support choice for the team.

jeep towing a howitzer or a flamethrower jeep

And as an honorable mention: The Killdozer:
The bulldozer was a modified Komatsu D355A,[3] which he referred to as the “MK Tank” (or “Marv’s Komatsu Tank”[8]) in audio recordings, fitted with makeshift composite armor plating covering the cabin, engine, and parts of the tracks. Three external explosions and more than 200 rounds of ammunition fired at the bulldozer had no effect on it.[16]

For visibility, the bulldozer was fitted with several video cameras linked to two monitors mounted on the vehicle’s dashboard. The cameras were protected on the outside by 3-inch (76 mm) shields of clear bulletproof lexan.[16] Compressed-air nozzles were fitted to blow dust away from the video cameras.[16]

Onboard fans and an air conditioner were used to keep Heemeyer cool while driving. He had made three gun-ports, fitted for a .50 caliber rifle, a .308 caliber semi-automatic rifle, and a .22 caliber rifle, all fitted with a ½-inch (1.3 cm) steel plate.

At the time of the demolition it also contained three handguns and enough food and water to last a week

fear THE ELEVATED ONE, kneel before his power


Maybe, but it’s still pretty hard to justify adding something like this to the game.
Like yeah it’d be cool but at the end of the day it’s just a Wiesel that became like 5x bigger for no advantage whatsoever.



Universal Carrier with 2pdr 1BR

Weight: 5.6-tons (5,080-kg)

Length: 13’ 6” (4.11-m)

Width: 6’ 7” (2.00-m)

Height: 6’ 2’” (1.57-m)

Crew: 4


.25” (6-mm) to .40” (10-mm) driver’s cab



QF 2-pounder anti-tank gun


1x .303-cal Bren machine gun


80x 2-pdr

?x .303-cal

Engine: Ford V-8, 95-hp

Power/weight: 15.3-hp/ton

Speed: 20-mph (32-km/h)

Australian 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun Carrier, ,was built in 1942 by Metropolitan Gas Company in Melbourne.

For the first 2-1/2 years of World War II, the 2-pounder anti-tank gun was the standard towed anti-tank weapon of the British Commonwealth. It was a heavy and cumbersome weapon, so various attempts were made to create self-propelled versions of the weapon. Great Britain, Canada and Australia all designed self-propelled versions using the British Universal Carrier as the base vehicle. In Australia, a domestically produced version called the LP2 carrier was used for there design.

The Australian 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun Carrier, also known as 2-pdr Attack Carrier was built on an extended LP2 chassis. The driver had an open-topped compartment that was armored on the front and sides. The gun was mounted on an open platform at the rear of the vehicle that allowed the gun to be traversed 360-degrees. The vehicle had a crew of 4: commander, gunner, loader and driver. Testing of the first prototypes began in August and September of 1941. At the conclusion of successful trials in February/March 1942, an order for 200 of them was placed with the first one being delivered in May 1942. They were built by Metropolitan Gas Company of Melbourne.

By the time the 2-pounder Anti-tank Gun Carrier came into service, it was already obsolete as the German vehicles it was designed to combat had armor that was too thick for the 2-pdr to successfully penetrate. As a result, all of the carriers were kept in Australia and used as training vehicles and equipment for Australian reserve and volunteer units.


Isnt that that tier 2 td from “the other tank game”?
(I can’t remember for sure, as I’ve not played that game in a looong time)

its amphibius and has run silent mode, 100% silent. Once I got almost run over by on of those F. They can speed down a non paved road and you wont hear them at all. Its not normal. Also a second driver in the back for fast escapes. Also gajin not giving the rh202 sabot subcaliber ammo credit and makes it artificaly weaker.

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No Idea

Amphibious could be fun, but even with it having a silent mode (hybrid?) it’s still just HUGE. Looks about as big as the BTR-80, which can be seen for miles. I’d rather have a new Wiesel.

Germany needs a light tank at rank 3 though. Could make a good 5.3 vehicle comparable to the amx10p and subI-II.

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Depends on what exactly would be good for rank 3, and what you’d be willing to call “light tank”.

Bergepanzer 38t, but with a single MK103. I’d argue that with smaller size and much better HVAP penetration, this would be a better contestant. Its speed might leave something to be desired, but surely a lot of weight was lost with the removal of the 75mm gun.

Wiesel RMK30, could pull a gaijin classic and just take away thermals so now it’s not forced into cold war BRs. I don’t know about penetration but it had a max of 300rpm, electrically driven. Yes it’s recoilless.

The germany suggestions page also has quite a few possible additions, like an MK103 on a 4x4 truck; or the 37mm flak gun (single) on a Panther- with HVAP it would be a very dangerous and probably fast opponent; or… this thing that I can’t pronounce: 7,5 cm Selbstfahrlafette L/41 Modell 1 Which looks to be pretty fast and decently armed.

Just please, not another Rh202 armed tank. They’re disappointing every time because that autocannon is gutless.

Yeah but those are AAs, and there something like the Ru 261 or TH-302 would fit better.


Add EW and then give me the EF-111A Raven


How about let us play RB EC and add recon planes so I can have my cool blue Lightning F-5?


Thers are so much cool recon planes I would like to see at thet point. Mainly the A-12 and SR-71

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Yeah, giant fan of both of those. Plus scouting would make planes like the O-2 and OV-1 more viable.

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The Russian Raptor Slayer, it slays Raptors.

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Engineering, and unweaponized recovery vehicles, that have to follow or be within an area with you to be able to repair, or maybe set “fortifications” like entrenchment or camouflage nets.

Only IFV’s loaded with infantry and capture points as well.

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Zweirad Union Kraka with Rh202 20mm.


Essentially a German equivalent of the M274 Mule except for beginning its life as an agricultural vehicle. It could carry a variety of small weapons such as MGs, mortars, ATGMs…


goodbye, while my account is being deleted.

I’m not sure - this is some kind of reinforced Soviet former German Italian tank.

and not seriously - a tank for the next event

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This is Italian-made M15/42, captured by Yugoslav forces from Germans.

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