Basically title, what are some of your guy’s best/funniest/nostalgia filled screenshot’s. I got a few here as examples!
I legit dropped my damaged(heavily I might add) ITP on this “spire” without breaking it up or catching on fire. I could not repair there, but the game didn’t declare me dead either . . lol. Anyway, I made a screenshot of it while waiting for the game to end(it was almost over anyway) . . Air AB about 4 years ago I believe . .
Most of SS already gone in pre-steam client. Thankfully some screenshots uploaded in my Facebook.
back when air mode had night battle.

Those searchlights were awesome. When they got you your whole vision went bright white. Great effect.
Sadly my earliest screenshots were lost on the old disks…
But these are the earliest I uploaded online- April 2015!
Wish we still had them. At least for AAB and ARB
Honestly, I would like to play old games as event mode.
This is one of the oldest I can find now on my disc. The year’s 2020. Older screenshots have been gone together with my old PC…
However, I also have some short clips from 2016, like this one, which I always think of when I hear/read “Germany mains bad”. Well, it’s not just Germany mains… :D
I am scenery enjoyer. This game has one of the best photogenic dawn/dusk sceneries out there. Probably only Metro Exodus comes close. So half my screenshots are just scenery pics lol.
The oldest out of the bunch is probably the night battle in ARB with the Ho 229. You can even see the old afterburner effects all jets had back in the day.
The most nostalgic and funniest things always happen in custom battles, so allow me to start with that. Maybe some people will recognize themselves. ↓
Anyone remember the naval deco glitch for tanks? ↓
Did you know that Air Battles used to have night time? Very pretty. Also at the end of last year, I got my first and last night battle in WW2 USA. Very pretty. Take a look. ↓
Subs event will be one of my most memorable events. Shame it only lasted a short while. ↓
Have you ever survived your own nuke? This is what it looks like. ↓
Nostalgia with muh Tigor. I used to plant Tigor decal on everything then Phly released this deco so I started planting the little Tigor on everything haha. ↓
Witnessing big booms in WT from the ground is something else. ↓
Random things happening in WT. ↓
Capped a C point on Poland with Mig 21.
Witnessing missiles getting stuck.
Mother Puma meeting baby Puma.
Winning a hard duel in RB against a late Spitfire.
Winning 1 (Ta152H) vs 5 enemy planes (F84 + F80 + F8F + F7F + P-51H). I was absolutely sweating at the end and made like 10 screenshots in server replay haha.
Ever punched a tank so hard, its turret flew into another town district? Yeah.
Lastly, enjoy some vistas. Maybe some will be suitable for your new wallpaper? ↓
These are some of my personal favorites that I have done.
I especially liked making the submarine screenshots because of the unique lighting, and camera angles we could get. Really wish we could get more underwater camera options in the future.
I sadly do not have most of my oldest screenshots anymore, but I do have still have my oldest one:
I took this because I found the player numbers quite funny, it’s a screenshot from December 27th, 2013
Then there are a few I have fond memories of:
This one being soon after ground britain came out, and my team happened to form a little crusader wolfpack (December 26th, 2015)
This is my first ever game of naval, and my first (succesful) torpedo run against a player ship
(July 4th, 2018)
And then a last one I just found funny
A Po-2 and PG-02 going at about the same speed (July 30th, 2020)
I’ve got hundreds more screenshots, but those first three are certainly the most special to me.
maybe not favorites, but considering how many files I have lost in the past, I’m just happy I still have some of my old stuff remaining T^T