I feel like some rules in wt should be known by everyone, like for example in Air RB if you designated a grid square for base bombing, that’s yours, almost like you’ve called dibs.
And then you have the Lvl 11 F-4S player who doesn’t know, care or listen. What are some other rules?
Rule #1: Don’t expect to call dibs on anything.
Rule #2: See rule #1.
Yeah I know but if designate a grid square, should that be your base since you asked to have it? Or that doesn’t matter anymore
‘unspoken rules’ but more ethical play
Rule #1 Always say hello to a name you recognise from the forum, if we aren’t chat banned we all will say hello back, so be nice
Rule #2 If someone claims a base, don’t go for it
Rule #3 Expect people to go out of their way to take the base you claimed
Rule #4 smoke is used as a taunt, however is also used as an indication that you or whoever is in chase has run out of ammo and is either surrendering or calling for a gentlemanly truce
Rule #5 Every high tier premium is free food, you need less caution fighting them and ignore when they claim bases (this is the only ok exception to Rule #1)
Rule #6 Never go vertical against a Spitfire even if you have the more powerful plane
Rule #7 If you see a spitfire LF mk9, pray to your god as they know what they are doing and will beat you no matter what even if you catch them off guard. (especially if they have the blue camo unlocked)
Rule #8 Top tier is a method of self-lobotomy.
Rule #9 Dont kill planes on their airfields unless its the last guy and he’s camping on his airstrip
Rule #10 methods of play you don’t like done to you, don’t do to others
Never did - someone trying to “reserve” a base who is slower than you and trying to justify their existence has never actually been “a thing” unless the other players were OK with it in the first place.
Not even that IMO - why is it ethical to screw over someone else by “reserving” a target they will get to first?
It is a nonsense.
Doesn’t matter still, it’s the right thing to do :)
‘right’ is debatable.
Thing is if you call it, and someone gets it, don’t be upset that they got it. It’s just you indicating to the team where you’re hitting and if they have the right mindset about it they should go for the others to make the coordinated attack work out.
I feel designating ground targets (if you’re not a zomber) may have more merit in sim, if simply for people to avoid wasting their time given the distances involved. However, most threads I’ve seen advise only doing this whole designating thing if you’re like, 1 gridsquare away or so.
No it isn’t - it is the wrong thing to do for the selfish person trying to stop other people achieving their goals.
What isn’t selfish is telling people where you are going to bomb, especially if you are going to get there first and destroy the base - so they can make an informed choice to go somewhere else - I do this all the time where appropriate.
I also tell them if I am bombing but do not have enough ordnance to kill the base - so hopefully someone can finish it and go on to do something else as well perhaps.
follow EULA
Don’t make more rules.
Players have the right to follow the EULA and not according to the rules set by other players (except for customization).
For Ground RB, generally speaking it is important to have an objective when going into battle. The worst thing you can get into the habbit of is driving forward aimlessly until you encounter enemies. You should deliberately aim for a position on the map or a cap point. Another important thing is consistency, just because something fails once, doesn’t mean you are doing something wrong, it pays to try a strategy out a few times. It’s hard to judge whether or not something is effective or not if you’re constantly changing your plan/strategy