What are people buying with there GE on this years Sale?

I feel you, i wanted to do the italian Leo, but i’m going to wait until next year now, finding it hard to keep up with trying to unlock everything on every nation.

Concentrating on Ground (hence the Talismans), then air, nearly done bluewater and Coastal, so i’m taking a back seat apart from doing the event of course, and helicopters are only getting done in ground RB when i get the chance to bring them out or when i’ve completed a ground tree and i convert all my xp to helis at that point.

I just wish we had the option to put our research where ever we wanted

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Very nice!

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Just far too much stuff to grind, so little time to do it lol. I ain’t got the minerals to keep on top of everything as you seem to be doing.

Honestly, I would much prefer to grind and play FGR4 / Namer Tsrikhon rn, But just the opportunity loss of not getting Tali on 2A4/KF41 50% off until November 2025 would eat me alive with regret lol.

Have you played KF41? I rarely ever see them, so i never get chance to ask peoples thoughts on it.

I’ve got it, but the grind to stay on top of the research makes it hard to actually enjoy the vehicles I’ve unlocked. I’ve tried using stock vehicles, but you know how that goes, lol. I prefer switching back to my premium choice to speed up the grind and move on to the next vehicle

from the limited time of playing it the main gun is only good being used when flanking, as most IFV and the ATGM (Spikes) are meh they are hit and miss, depending on the target being locked up.

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Talismanned a couple of top tiers I really enjoy for future use as grinders (TKX (P), Mirage 2000-5ei, Leopard 2a7/EF2000 combo etc) and got the Tam2IP to grind the german rank 6 helis since it’s so efficient


Oh and did something that i call ‘Platinum-ing’ my Strv 103C, which is essentially buying a tali, acing the crew, buying 50 or so backups and customising all camos (already had the free ones unlocked) to make it a true statement piece since it’s my tied favourite tank with type 10 :)

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Oh, I forgot, unlocked AH60 on the first sale day so slapped a Tali on it. The stock grind looked a bit too horrific for my liking. Really dislike the way the AGM’s are split into dual / quad rack separate modifications - for literally no other reason than making the grind more painful lol.

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J2m5 and maybe the bis ish, i dont buy talismans bc i dont think they are worth

would love to do that to all vehicles in the game, but thats one of my long grinds, i have 8 profile pictures left to 100% completed that and i’m not working on my national medals, i don’t really care for K/D in this game, i play for the fun and to win the match.

Research for me comes first

Problem for me i love maximum graphics, and that puts me at a great disadvantage in Ground, but i cant play the game in ultra low sorry but i would rather die more and have a clear conscience ;)

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Never going to happen for me since I set myself a spending limit monthly (besides sales) to avoid blowing too much on wt but i’ll aim to do it to my favourite vehicles, so far the Fox, ZA-35, Strv-103C and Type 93, with aims for about 10-20% of ny collection done in the future

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They’re well worth bro, tali’s on sale are one of the best value for money things you can possibly buy in this game. If you do it tactically, spacing them and your grinding out between May / Nov / Dec sales, you can grind out a whole tech tree for like 5k GE.

Did exactly this on Merkava Mk4M and no regrets. Think I’ll do the same on 2A7HU one day when I finally unlock that. Getting that ace reload right off the rip feels incredible lol.


I haven’t even started properly yet; I’ve amassed over 2,500 vehicles and lost track since the profile page was removed. I know it’s coming back, so I’m just keeping up with the grind.

I can’t even imagine how much SL I’ll need to unlock the crew to a decent level. Most of my 10 slots for each nation (except for Israel) are nearly complete, but I haven’t fully maxed out the crew. Over 1 million SL per top-tier vehicle is manageable for one or two per nation, but with my ADHD, I feel compelled to complete them all!

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I find the Israeli nation (Ground) really difficult to grind, is it just me ???

Its just +100% rp, no extra SL nor removal of rank penalty, with 5k ge i rather buy a high tier premium on sale thay will fix all those problems

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i wish with the RP talisman, they would also bring out an SL Talisman with an additional 100% to SL gain, they would Sell like hot cakes right now

I know its easy to get SL and you rarely lose SL unless you accidentally kill a teammate, which is really rare these days, but it would be nice to get more, you know what i mean

at least you can blow more on the snow globes every year and double your chances of getting a 0.00000000002% chance of a rare vehicle on top of that it would also help Acing the crew faster ^^


Didn’t find it too bad tbh. I timed my Israel grind to coincide with Summer / Anni / Winter sales period, So i’d get the premiums i need, then use the GE from those packs to buy Tali’s effectively 75% off in the next sale.

Did all of IV & V with the goated 6.0 lineup. (Tali on M51 is god tier value with those 3 respawns), Then Merk Mk2D w/ backups did all of VI and most of VII. Then I put Tali’s on Mk3B & C to finish off the rest. Though since then, both 2D and the 3B/3C are have gone up into worse BR ranges, so it’d probably be more painful to replicate this today.

Similar in air, only took me 4 days to do the tree with Kfir Canard - but that thing is at a worse BR now so probably tougher to replicate. By far the worst was the Heli tree. Though tbf, grinding any Heli tree in PVE is a mental endurance test lmao.

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Done the majority of the Air, its just the Ground, i find it really painful.

My problem is i work left to right on my nations, ADHD again sorry lol

Maybe its time i worked right to left instead

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Just bought the MiG-21S for Russia, noticed a few discrepancies in its designs already (missing a radar gunsight) but overall a really nice plane for the BR, and an odd playstyle. That’s it, already finished my rank VI planes and onto rank VII, excited for the MiG-27 and mainly the Su-24 as it’s the reason for my grind.

Will be my second air TT grind, as I’ve already dealt fully with Swedish, only have folders planes, and a the JAS39C left, as I have no care for the ARH meta in top tier, I favor dogfighting and close range fights.

Oh god, I can see why it might be more painful for you if you’re forcing priority on the Magach line then lmao. Tbf, I can’t say nothing about your ADHD’ism. For me its the way I order line-ups. Gotta be structured :

One Plane → MBTs → TD’s / Lights → SPAA’s → Heli’s

And not only that, but all the stuff in it’s own category has to be ordered in BR high to low from left to right, and if they’re the same BR, then tech tree placement order, lowest thing first. I got so much stuff expert in multiple slots because BR changes / tree movement forced me to move things to maintain order lol. I had to completely abandon Germany, right as i reached the first top tiers, because snail swapped the TD / Light line around, and fragmented everything so badly, that I couldn’t cope with fixing lineup order haha.

Hmm, nothing yet. Debating somewhat between Z-19E (because Im tired of China heli grind and I need for 11.0 line-up (I know it 11.3, slight up-tier isnt an issue)) or Soviet Coastal fleet (same reason - grind is annoying, partially because most of Soviet coastal is river fleet and cant properly operates at anything remote to “Open waters”))