So here i am trying to get better with the VIDAR ,it’s a fun tank don’t get me wrong, but I find it bad that it’s being called OP for those IR thermals,and asking it to be uptiered.
-The depression is really bad on this tank and you can’t use most hills
-Reload rate isn’t that good ,so if you miss and the enemy spots you=dead
-You can’t lead on faster tanks enough to follow them and get a shot in before they get into cover.
Take for example, last game, played on Sands of Sinai,supposed to be one of the best maps for such a tank, get into a corner, 2-3km away from enemies and just fire at targets,managed to get a few kills,yeah.
But that was on the second VIDAR,the first one got destroyed by a roflmao AA that killed me from 1.6km , problem is when facing them you can’t even aim for them properly, the dust and the particles when they hit you is just awfull, so yeah,getting roflstomped from sniping range by an AA was fun.
Then I got annoyied and used a talisman to spawn again,went to the same place but this time the game advanced a bit, we got the upper hand and not many enemies left, i went to my old body and used it for cover with success.
I am not even talking about the fact that the shell on the VIDAR is very inconsistent on Soviet tanks,I just avoid attacking them cause i can’t even barrel them most times.
So what am I left with? a big chunk of a tank that can’t use hills to it’s advantage,yeah it’s fast, but you’re big and you will be spotted immediately. I much prefer using the Strv 103-0 to this,just because I can actually use the hills to my advantage.
I just feel like SPAA at high tier should have a higher damage dropoff against tanks after 1.5km , most just roflcopter you with rounds and you can’t even see it well.