Everytime BR changes happen naval just gets ignored despite multiple requests to expand the brackets and now instead of moving ships up we moving earlier generation dreadnoughts down instead?
5.7 and below cruisers aren’t competitive against 6.0 cruisers to say nothing of dreadnoughts and now we have invincible at 5.7 and 8 early dreads at 6.0?
So great, you maybe kill them with torps on maps without cover if you don’t miss and in the minutes it takes your torps to travel across the ocean they’ll be farming your cruisers and DD without care.
Glorious moved up to 6.0 after clubbing things for far too long, what does gaijin expect 4.7s to do to this and why is this the equivalent of the semi-dread Ikoma?
exactly, its almost as if gaijin never thinks about the lower end of the bracket when they change BRs.
Like yeah, 7.0s shit on 6.0s, so lets move the 6.0 to 5.7 to not get shit on by 7.0s, failing to realize those 5.7s now gonna shit on everything below them…
I totally agree. My 6.0/6.3 lineups already had major issues before the update, now I am getting 1 shot over and over again in my Heavy Cruisers by BB’s. Especially in AB mode (fwiw, I DO like the new AB aiming, but the massive BR compression makes using my 6.0/6.3 heavies nearly impossible.)
It is hilarous to run a dreadnought in my light cruiser line-up. But yes, it shows pretty clear lack of understanding withwise to the problem. Instead of moving a load down 0.3. They should have moved a selection up 0.3. Same effect. none of the problems
Up-ing BR has been faced massive objection from Arcade players. That’s maybe why.
At least they decompress Capital ships. If next step is to lower destroyer’s and cruiser’s BR, it would be okay.
Well for coastal ‘ships’ who have bluewater DM, they can be in balance with bluewater ships with adjustment of BR. For example, making 3.3 Frigate at 1.0
For coastal ‘boats’… imo whatever Gaijin tries to do, it would be impossible to make fair balanced BR for them at all. They should not be just born at the start.
I think that the UK have actually done reasonably well out of this to be honest. If you are grinding for BBs but don’t want to get slapped by enemy 7.0 BBs, the UK line works
Its the only nation with a full line-up of Rank V 5.7 ships (assuming that you have either the Renown or Tiger event ships), or at worst you can use a backup for one.
Every other nation Rank V starts at 6.0.
But i do agree that decompression is needed for the ship trees, and on a larger topic, something needs to be done with the Coastal/Blue water split. Coastals just get swallowed by 5 mins into the match. DDs just make a b-line to the coastal cap/spawn zones. Its worse now with the new aiming system.
Coastals only came about because Gaijin didn’t think they could implement bigger ships. Coastals was all we were going to have. Looking back, maybe they should have just left it as coastals…