Weird Performance Problems

I am sure this is not a new issue to a lot of people and it’s been a thing for years as far as I am aware.

Starting from before Air Superiority dropped I have had FPS drops, stuttering and freezing issues, now to elaborate:

I have a 7 7800X3D and a RX 7900 that is only a few months old, stress tested it extensively and never had any issues in any games, WT also ran fine for a while, but after a while it started exhibiting those behaviours unprompted, no driver updates, no game updates, it just started to have those problems.

Now I know it’s not an hardware issue since this rig is brand new and I have stress-tested it with no issues, and I have also played as demanding if not more demanding games, and WT itself was running more than fine before.

It’s not the first time either, this issue comes and goes, had it before in a Nvidia rig also so it’s not an AMD issue.

Normally it would not be so bad, but it’s gotten to the point where it just straight up freezes my entire rig to upwards of 30 seconds sometimes, which obviously makes the game completely unplayable.

Now the question is has anyone found a concrete cause or fix for this? Is Gaijin even aware of the issue? Because I have found quite a few threads, but not only have none of the fixes worked but the symptoms vary.

It’s not only you m8. I’m also having problems when i play top tier at BR 10+ and my pc specs are :
-GPU: gtx970
-CPU: I5-4690k
-RAM: 2x8GB 1600mhz

After Air Superiority update i started having fps problems when i play top tier, i go from 90-110 fps to 30-40 fps when i get to the engagement zone. I did the same post complaning of the same reasons has you, and a guy with a better pc specs has me is having the same problems.
The conclusion is , its very probably that is a optmizarion issue after the Air Superiority because when i play ARB bellow BR 10 or GRB i dont have any fps issue.

P.S i dont have any solution, try to put the settings low and i was about to reinstall the game on a SSD when a guy told me it didnt fix it for him. We have to wait and pray that the developers read this post’s and fix the problem with a patch.

It’s not an optimization issue otherwise it would be a constant problem, this comes and goes and it happened between updates like I stated in the original comment.

It will happen just sitting on hangar, it will happen on minimum settings, it’s not optimization, optimization problems don’t freeze your entire desktop just because it feels like it.

gtx 1080
48gb of ram
game + windows on ssd
no performance issues

Stating your specs and saying you don’t have an issue won’t add anything to the thread? It’ a bug obviously not everyone is gona have it, specs are beside the point, my Nvidia rig had the same specs although with less RAM and I had that issue before.

For me it is because it only happens when I get in the engagement bubble of the map and before the big update I never had big FPS drops playing BR 10+.
The only thing it would come and go was some random packet loss (now its not happening).


While you’re right that simbadumba’s post doesn’t add anything special to the thread, it’s good to know not everyone is affected and it is not a bug.
We consider issues affecting a wide number of players or machines as bugs.
Please feel free to post your issue on Community Bug Reporting System. Have a look at Knowledge Base to make sure your reports complies with the guidelines.


Not sure in what world do you need a certain percentage of players to be affected for it to be considered a bug, alas it’s a pointless endeavour since I can’t replicate the problem, it comes and goes as it pleases, last time I had this issue was years ago and this time I have tried every recommended under the sun.

  • Installed on a different drive.
  • Cleared cache.
  • Cleared any custom files
  • Added more permissions for WT in firewall.
  • Ran in absolute minimum settings.
  • Fixing VAC install.

I am not expecting a solution mind you, I have played and kept up with game development long enough to know these kind of bugs can be near impossible to pin down, mostly wondering if anyone has found any correlation between the symptoms and changing certain things, and if Gaijin is even remotely aware of the issue, I have seen a few posts over the years with very similar symptoms on equivalent machines, and I play other games like Cyberpunk on max settings just fine.
Again I am not expecting a failproof solution, even though I have over 200 days of premium I am slowly burning through that I am not able to use, but claiming it’s not a bug because of some arbitrary metric is downright infuriating.

As for my particular case over this month it has escalated from small hiccups to freezing my whole desktop and vice versa, clearing stuff like UserSkins seems to help momentarily, but it tends to escalate back within the day, so I can’t make a direct correlation between the 2, especially since my UserSkins folder has not changed for months.

Please attack a DxDiag Log:

How to Grab a DxDiag Log

Step 1: Open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool

  1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows key + R simultaneously.
  2. Enter dxdiag into the Run dialog box and press Enter.

Step 2: Allow the Tool to Scan Your System

  1. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will automatically start scanning your system for information about your hardware and software.
  2. A green progress bar will appear in the bottom-left corner of the window while the scan is in progress.

Step 3: Save the Diagnostic Information

  1. Once the scan is complete, click on the “Save All Information” button located at the bottom of the window.

Step 4: Choose a Save Location and File Name

  1. The “Save As” dialog box will appear.
  2. Ensure the “Save as type” option is set to “Text (*.txt)”.
  3. Select a suitable location on your computer to save the log file and provide a descriptive name.
  4. Click “Save” to proceed.

I have the same problem.
12th generation i5 processor, RX 580 8 GB graphics card, ddr4 32 gb 3200 MHz windows 11.
When I point the binoculars at some bushes with 160 FPS it drops to 30 in ground battles.
I have no problems in air battles.
This started after the current update.

Here is the dxdiag as requested, hope that helps.
DxDiag.rar (15.3 KB)

I also tried clearing UserSkins again to see if it would alleviate the issue momentarily like last time but it had no effect, so I can’t find any direct correlation between the two.

Tried messing with priorities for the WT process through task manager but no matter what I do I can’t make it give me permission, even with full permissions enabled.

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Doesn’t sound related in the slightest, my issues persist in any situation, ground, air or naval, zoomed in or not, even in hangar or test drive, it will freeze my desktop, it’s not just a loss in performance in certain situations.

From an engineering standpoint it’s very helpful to know what type of systems an issue may be affecting. Knowing that it’s affecting systems with Intel/AMD/Nvidia is useful. It means it’s not isolated.

Knowing how much ram is present is important. Is it low end hardware, mid and below, high end? Is it resolution dependant? Data is important.

I’m having the same issue on fairly high end hardware as well:
Ryzen 9 5900x
RTX 3090
NVME (Samsung Pro)
128gb 3200mhz

We can definitely see that the bug is not hardware dependent from the set we have. It’s not confined to low end or high end hardware. That’s a good start in ruling out causes.

Check the temperatures on the components, processor, graphics, motherboard, it is possible that you already have old thermal paste, usually such problems are caused by too high temperature, if everything is normal, try Use computer cleaning programs. It helped me.

Try having a look at this:

WER logs

Windows Error Reporting:
+++ WER0 +++:
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: BlueScreen
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: 9f
P2: 3
P3: ffffa6040eb6c120
P4: ffff8e0a79c3f1d0
P5: ffffa604194dd920
P6: 10_0_19045
P7: 0_0
P8: 256_1

+++ WER1 +++:
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: BlueScreen
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: 9f
P2: 3
P3: ffffa6040eb6c120
P4: ffff8e0a79c3f1d0
P5: ffffa604194dd920
P6: 10_0_19045
P7: 0_0
P8: 256_1

+++ WER2 +++:
Fault bucket 1480330078804608106, type 5
Event Name: MoAppHang
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_7.124.2141.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
P2: praid:App
P3: 7.124.2141.0
P4: 65cd0eff
P5: 024d
P6: 2097152

+++ WER8 +++:
Fault bucket 2030327035378708602, type 5
Event Name: RADAR_PRE_LEAK_64
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: explorer.exe
P2: 10.0.19041.4170
P3: 10.0.19045.2.0.0
+++ WER5 +++:
Fault bucket 1282457266666936307, type 5
Event Name: FaultTolerantHeap
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: wallpaper64.exe
P3: 65DCAFB7
P4: ffffbaad

+++ WER6 +++:
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: wallpaper64.exe
P3: 65dcafb7
P4: StackHash_f518
P5: 10.0.19041.3996
P6: 39215800
P7: c0000374
P8: PCH_38_FROM_ntdll+0x000000000009DB34

Any normally-working Windows PC shouldn’t have these many error reports.

Please run the following commands in a Terminal (Like CMD) as Administrator (Run terminal as admin):

  1. sfc /scannow
  2. CHKDSK c: /f /r
  3. Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
  4. Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Please reinstall your GPU drivers using DDU or similar software (Make sure you follow the instructions for the software like using Safe Mode and restarting in time). Install the latest available version(s) from the manufacturer’s official website.

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Don’t trust and feed simbadumba, he’s a professional troll of the forum.

Anyway, I’ve experienced a lot of stuttering after the Alpha Strike update. I’ve alleviated the problem by updating my GPU drivers and deleting the “cache” folder from the main game one, but still, sometimes, I get these random stutters.
My pc specs:

  • CPU:Ryzen 7 5800x3d
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3600 2x16GB
  • Mobo: Gigabyte Aorus X570 Xtreme
  • PSU: Gigabyte AP850GM
  • Drive: Samsung 990 Pro

The GPU is custom liquid-cooled, and the entire PC is maxed for performance because I have to for other games.

Running " sfc /scannow" found some corrupted files and may have alleviated the issue.

Duo to the nature of the problem I can’t say for sure, it would not be the first time it decides to run better than slowly escalates again, I am still having stutters, but they have now downgraded to just occasional micro stutters, which is more than playable in comparison to having my whole desktop frozen.

Thank you for your time, I can finally try the Fox out.

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Temperatures are fine, any good and well applied thermal paste will last you at least a few years minimum.
Problems of that nature would also affect more than WT, Cyberpunk 2077 is more demanding and has no issues, even with Ray Tracing turned on it runs fine.


Yea I have tried the most common troubleshooting steps related to performance issues, including deleting cache completely and a full re-install.

My PC is similarly specd, with the difference being 64 GB of DDR5 6000 Mhz and a RX 7900 XTX, which is generally enough to run this game at 1440p at 300 FPS in vehicle test map.

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Glad it helped.

If you want to improve this further, try the DDU solution I gave. It helps even on devices without any issues. The cache, etc. are a good number of performance problem causes.


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