Weapon code

Hello everyone I have a little problem I do not know if you can call it a problem but anyway, I’m looking for lines of code to make myself a missile Fox 3 but I do not know where to find it. if anyone could tell me where to find it would be really nice !!! (one thing aside, I know there’s gszabi99 with his GitHub, but the problem is that it doesn’t work for me, I’d like to take the code of a missile to modify it but it doesn’t work though, I did manage to make a MICA IR, but to make a FOX3 it’s something else I can’t manage) thank you very much in advance to the person who can solve my problem !!!

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Thank you very much for your answer. I’ve got another question, unless you don’t know, that’s OK. But can we put custom missiles on existing aircraft in the game, outside the user model?
Thank you in advance.

You can put it on in-game AI model, you can’t use it…

So I can’t do missions with playable aircraft from the game with custom missiles, but I can only do them with AIs? If that’s the case, that’s a shame…I would have liked to do a mission with the rafale already present in the game with the mica ir that I did but if we can it’s a shame, would have to make a maj or something like that so we can do it.
Thanks for your answer!

However you can create a copy of game model, to use it as custom

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