We need to talk about the Abram's Horizontal Turret Drive

I play a lot of Abrams. I also play a lot of British. I’ve noticed in the last few months something that’s too wild to just be coincidence…

When I get shot in my British tanks, losing the Horizontal Turret Drive is not too common.

Conversely, when playing the Abrams, losing the Turret Drive happens almost every time.

I’ve started collecting images and replays, of shots I’ve made against Abrams that knocked out their Turret Drive, and shots I’ve received playing the Abrams that did the same.

Something I’m realising is stunning me. The Abrams will spontaneously lose it’s Horizontal Turret Drive for sometimes little reason. It’s just gone.

Hits to the bottom, hits to the top, hit’s to the engine, hits to the lower plate, some that have gone NOWHERE NEAR the turret drive, even on the shot replays, and yet the drive is disabled.

Take this example. Here is the replay from the Shot Analysis:

Here is the same hit from the Server Replay:

Here is the damage from the Server Replay, of his Abrams:

As you can see, my shot was nowhere near his turret drive. And yet, it’s disabled.

This is not a one off. This happens very regularly.

There is something seriously wrong with the Abrams and it’s horizontal turret drive.

Gaijin, please take a look at this.


It’s the hydraulic pump getting damaged.




When the hell did they add that?

Why the hell would they gimp all the Abrams with such bs?

It’s realistic. Additional modules have been added for pretty much every top tier tank at this rate.


After people complaining about the performance of some infantry fighting vehicles like the Schützenpanzer PUMA and light tanks (in reality a self propelled anti-air gun) like 2S38.


It’s not, while that component is part of hydraulic system; it’s actually the reserve Sump and not actually part of the pressurized loop.
The primary pump is driven off the engine and is located in said compartment as is detailed in the following report.



It’s crazy how easy it is to disable the Abrams.

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When they added modeled autoloaders to T-series tanks.

still better than russian tanks

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Nice Bait.

I thought that it looked a bit too big to be just a hydraulic pump


Abrams have better mobility, APFSDS rounds, gun depression, and reverse speed, so it sounds like a skill issue.


In what ways is;
M774 better than 3BM42 (M1 vs T-80B)
M900 better than 3BM46 (M1IP vs T-80U)

It’s only with the move to the 120mm gun (M829 & up), does ammo become superior, and even then 3BM60 is available at far lower BR’s, and said tanks retain much better armor layouts and ERA options, as well as generally being able to fight against relatively worse armor.

Also a general immunity to expected / common CE threats is also nice to have at a BR.


Armor doesn’t matter if anything can lol pen you from the front.

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At what range does M774 have an easy time against the frontal amour of a T-80B?

Just shoot the LFP. even rank5 can one shot it from the front.


Insane cherry pick, there are 120mm abrams with m829a2 at the same br


Which one has M829A2 at 11.3?
the M1HC is 11.7
M1A1 only has M829A1, and is 11.3
also the T-90 gets 3BM60 at 11.0

And M829A1 vs 3BM60 is far less of a difference than M774 vs 3BM42 no matter which way you slice it.

Also it’s not like it cares much about the M1’s armor schema, since even with the improved turret of later variants the GLATGMs still make short work of it let alone 3OF26 to the “Doghouse”, or Commander’s MG station / CROWS.

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The T-80U is 11.7


lmao even