We need sexier in cockpit sounds

I can understand this hopefully wouldn’t be on the top of the list for fixes/changes. But some of these in-cockpit engine notes are so bad they’re sucking out some of the in-game immersion.

With the canopy open they’re fine, close the canopy and your 2000hp V12 sounds like an asthmatic vegan blowing through a straw. Take a listen to the in game P-51D Mustang and listen to this.

That low pitch almost V8-esque growl is completely missing. The Spitfire’s pitch is also too high and is completely missing its growl.

The Hawker Typhoon/Tempest’s engine note has also been diluted and muted compared to what it was. The sound itself is fairly accurate but why on earth is my Napier Sabre so darn quiet when it was known to be loud (almost uncomfortably so). In it’s current state it’s borderline relaxing to listen to more than powerful. This also affects the Dora’s which use the exact same sound sample.

The P-40 falls into the same category as being far too quiet.

The game needs an immersion injection and this is one way to do it.


This is a game children play ,we dont want sexy anything


We need get rid of sounds after canopy open, at least 600 km/h+

came here expecting something completely different… leaving disappointed


You always can add everything, by grabbing cockpit from CDK and painting it

"Oh baby …baby …you fly so good …let me handle your joystick "




Actually War Thunder is rated T for teen. Bedazzled starring Liz Hurley in her prime wearing a bikini is rated PG-13 or 12 here in the UK. War Thunder could implement Liz Hurley in an upcoming patch and the age rating wouldn’t be affected.

It’s an odd situation where in cockpit your own engine isn’t nowhere near loud or to be honest good enough in regards to sound and yet you can hear machinegun fire headed your way from a mile behind you. For Sim at least WT needs to mute all external sounds and improve your own engine sounds.

I don’t quite know what engines sound like where you’re from but now I’m intrigued.

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Not all of us can do this especially on console.
It also doesn’t change the fact it’s a band-aid fix for what’s already kinda crappy to begin with.

Mostly they need to change sound for approaching aircraft and missiles, make it way quiet.

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On consoles you can’t.
Guy to whom I replied without console badge

I thik it’s because I’m “the old guard” or whatever the game calls it. I’ve been on since 2014 so in some weird way it doesn’t see me as console.

The thing that annoys me is that this used to be the case. On the Sim forum we managed to get Gaijin to mute external aircraft sounds and it worked beautifully. You could BnZ like you should and the game was far more realistic and immersive. Now they’ve allowed “eardar” to take place again.

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You have playstation badge in profile

From start of update was way more kills from missiles
Now you can just same stuff as cheats.

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I am all for Liz Hurley in a bikini on here ,maybe as a decal.

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12+ so pre teen.

Yes sound is the weakest aspect of WT. Some is just… really bad. Like why do all of the Aerocobras sound like 2 stroke weed eaters?

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ESRB says teen.

Its a math thing.

It’s poor use of English which distracts from the thread.

I would ask for distinctive sounds so we can distinguish what planes are up in the air but that would be of no use as we have so much copy paste.I dont really care what a plane sounds like when I am inside it to be honest ,more important things to worry about such as not being able to fly on console.

Maybe we need sexier controls

Imho you might consider that most wt players use a mouse, so the sound in external 3rd person view would make much more people happy.

Prime example:

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Except that isn’t the sound you hear unless you are actually in that plane. You don’t hear anything else but THAT SOUND. Third person should only hear what the pilot of that vehicle would hear.
Stop it. This dumb s#it makes gaijin look like a cheap console gam… oh wait… never mind.