We need a discount on t80ud!

Today is August 19, Moscow time, why didn’t we get a discount on the T80UD premium package?

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It’s not a package but a GE vehicle and it’s not time for sales, look for sale calendar on Steam or Reddit.

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What he meant was that during the August 19th Incident, Yeltsin used T-80 tanks to attack the parliament building where the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation was located, forcibly dissolving the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation.And that was regarded as the first time T-80s were put into “battles” lmao

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So in other words, he wants a discount on a tank because the tank was used in a successful coup?

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Oh yeah, makes sense.

The few footage related to the Constitutional Crisis I’ve saw featured T-80B, but looking further there was participation of T-80UD models too.


T80UD is feast or famine.

In a downtier its an absolute beast and borderline feels like a heavy tank expierence at high tier. In uptiers it just suffers as it gets lolpenned and loses it only advantage, its not unplayable in uptiers but I’d rather be in a turms in an uptier just to get the thermals as the armor will in practice be the same against the rounds you face.

I may be wrong but the reason of a discount event not featuring in-game about this event maybe because T-80UD was introduced on March, the first Major of 2024, we’re not seeing any sales of vehicles introduced in this Major until the next.

I’d rather using a T-80 with Kontakt-5 with a T-64 mobility than a mediocre mobility and paper armor of the Turms-T.

Lack of Thermal imagers isn’t a issue.

T-80UD is a good vehicle during advance and defensive positions with support nearby.

Lack of thermals is most definetely an issue on open field maps with long engagement ranges. When you are playing against people with them.

I get you spend most of your time using 3rd person camera and binos behind cover, but still man thermals are nice.

Yes sure they’re, not a issue in open field but urban maps with a lot of elements around. But I still prefer the slow but well protected gameplay over a least maneuverable vehicle.

Don’t get me wrong but I hate the T-72AV (Turms-T) gameplay, the tank only works when the target doesn’t sees you.

I guess he just want to play memes. After all the T80UE1 does better than T80UD right?

Yep. He is a Chinese and most Chinese WT players are interested at the history of the USSR and the Russian Fedration. This is a meme among Russian history fans in China because its Chinese translation is “叶利钦炮打白宫/Yeltsin bombards the White House”. The "白宫/White House"can refer to the parliament building of the Russian Federation or the White House of America in Chinese.

T-80UD should move to 10.3 in my opinion, no reason to be same BR as T-72B, T-72B (1989), T-72AV (TURMS-T), etc

Pretty sure there is a t80 with thermals at 10.3, would make it utterly impotent. Not to mention obj292 t72 moderna etc.

10.3 also sees much MUCH more uptiers than 10.0.

T-80B has worse firepower, worse armor, and worse optics. T-80UD has worse mobility, and no thermals. I’d say it’s a trade off.

And even if you consider T-80B to be better, you have to admit that the gap between it and the T-80UD is much smaller than the gap between the T-80UD and the T-72B.