War Thunder's BT series is inaccurate

First: The BT series tanks could remove their tracks and reach a top speed of 72–86 km/h.

Second: The BT-7 (possibly the BT-5) had sight stabilizers.

Third: The Christie suspension provided extra stability for firing on the move.

Fourth: The BT-7M refers to the model from 1937, while the later production versions were from 1938–1939. The game doesn’t specify this.

Fifth: The BT-7 had night vision capabilities.

I Understand there is No Need To have a MBT in 1.0/2.0 But in the same time that USSR lacks a Light tank in Rank 2 why don’t add the Bt-7 with it’s proper capabilities?

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  1. cool beans… maybe provide a sugestion to gaijin to add a module like the winter tracks for germany to allow the tank to suffer in offroad terrain traction while speeding up in onroad?
  2. yeah and? all tanks that had sight stabilization do not have it modeled, you’ll be surprised to find out that in later systems they ensured the cannon fired only when it aligned with the crosshair but even those are not modeled…
  3. and your point is? to what degree and what speeds and accuracy was obtained these are important metrics to say it was stabilized? its not true stabilization its just less shakey and bouncy than other suspension systems. I could say my car suspension stabilizes my car, doesn’t mean that I can drive 50 over pot holes and have someone fire out of my sun roof accurately…
  4. congrats there’s plenty of other vehicles (especially German) that are early variants without dates (ie. German Stug Ausf G vs Italian Stug Ausf G) or a mishmash of mid life variant upgrades
  5. Yes? do you realize the driver had to have the hatch open to utilize the night vision thus making the tank frontally vulnerable to machinegun fire…

1- Using the wheels on road.
2- Not a feature of War Thunder currently.
3- Conjecture.
4- It doesn’t need to…
5- No proof…

that would be kinda op for low low tier,so gaijin has to do something(i guess)

  • Even Better there is More tanks that have this, More reasons for gaijin to added to the game.
  • The christie suspension is litterly Giant coil springs, Someone did a simulation of it heres the video to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3MWwAtMeeM, Or you can search on youtube Christie suspension in BT tank [Unity + CaronteFx]
  • Wasn’t the bt-7 already vulnerable to Machine gun fire?

In 1939-40, the domestic infrared devices “Ship” and “Dudka” were tested on the BT-7 tank. The “Spike” complex, developed by the State Optical Institute and the Moscow Institute of Glass, included infrared periscope glasses and a set of additional equipment for driving a car at night. Tests of the improved Dudka complex took place at the NIBI test site in June 1940, and then in January-February 1941.The kit included periscope infrared goggles for the driver and tank commander, two 1 kW infrared spotlights with a diameter of 140 mm, a remote control unit, a separate infrared signal light and a set of electrical cables for the spotlights and goggles. The weight of the glasses without a helmet mount (head shield, side braces and straps) was 750g, the angle of view was 24 degrees, the vision range was up to 50m. Night vision devices were manufactured by plant No. 211 NKEP.These devices basically satisfied the technical specifications of the GABTU of the Red Army and provided the ability to drive cars at night, however, the bulkiness and imperfect design of infrared glasses, as well as the difficulty of their use, especially in winter, required their further design modification."

Yeah the BT-7 was very prone to being taken out by small arms fire. Its one of the reasons the Finnish soldiers hated the BT series and why the Christie battalion was disbanded after 3 months of service.

  • The christie suspension is litterly Giant coil springs, Someone did a simulation of it heres the video to it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3MWwAtMeeM , Or you can search on youtube Christie suspension in BT tank [Unity + CaronteFx]
  • Wasn’t the bt-7 already vulnerable to Machine gun fire?

did you watch the video simulation? the tank’s stabilization is practically non-existent in the video’s first three seconds where they showed the “simulated” hull hitting rather mild bumps causing the simulated tank pitching just like it currently does in game. Do you have an example that shows how its currently not preforming compared to its real life counterpart?

Currently In game the BT-7 is only vulnerable to .50Cal machine guns from 0-500m, opening the hatch would render it vulnerable to 7mm like it should be and only isnt because like most things gaijin hasn’t properly modeled the penetration of 7mm machineguns (Gaijins Calculators are pure utter garbage for anything that isn’t full sized long dart)

7.62mm AP/HC (armor piercing hardened core) @ ~60m range and at ~900m/s pens anywhere from
~23mm against HB300 steel,
~21mm against HB400 steel,
~15mm against HB500 steel,

Not possible to implement currently

Not a feature in game currently

Whats the issue with this?

Vehicles below rank 5 do not have night vision equipment

Yes? I did go and test it right now in Cargo port and the Bt-7 was shaking front to back, Why is that a thing? i was driving in FLAT ground and the Bt-7 cannon crosshair was going up and down.

are you serious? the suspension is not stabilization and never will be, I mean seriously does your car driving on the road drive perfectly smooth over bumps? your cars suspension is infinitely more advanced that the technology employed in 1940’s… now imagine strapping a maginified gunsight to your car, those tiny bumps are going to be magnified…

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-08-17 044855
Why does Bt-7 have a BT-7M version with only the different engine? BT-7M mean modernized But the Only Change is the engine,it should like this.

you missed the (Command Version) note…

Bro i literally
Driving to Flat Floor litteraly Flat road Why it’s shacking?

Christ are you dense? the suspension DOES NOT EQUAL STABILIZATION and NEVER WILL

The faster you hit those bumps the less the suspension can do to soften the blow, do you ride a donkey to work/school because you cant be this ignorant…

its like saying if i hit a jump with “stabilized” suspension will prevent the vehicle from jumping… IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY.

44% Of Bt-7 recieved a Radio.
War Thunder Gives you the ability to call Artillary But the Bt-7M isn’t the command version.

APPLES ORANGE BANANA videogame logic is applied here all tanks have a radio, Straw Grasping continues… a lot of early 1930-1939s tanks didn’t have a radio yet they do in game.

If I leave this thread it dies because no one else is willing to reply to you due to your glaring lack of any rational thought process to figure out basic concepts through even casual abstraction of concepts or realize that warthunder is a video game where the developers have made videogame logic decisions…

IE. most tanks at battle ratings of 6.7 or lower have sight magnification fixed at unhistorical values of 1.9x-3.5x This is video game logic applied because all nations didn’t utilize the same weakly magnified gun sight because the vehicles weren’t all designed and used the same but Gaijin Decided they should all have that same magnification, where this renders sniper like vehilces at a disadvantage because they weren’t designed to be brawlers, for example the the Panther D, A, G all had the same gun sight throughout the war and despite this fact the Panther G and A’s gun sight magnification is 2.5x-5x while the D sits at this 1.9x-3.5x magnification… a Panther with the slowest turret traverse has the lowest magnification forcing it into closer engagements where it suffers due to video game decisions by the developers…

Good day sir, and farewell to this pointless topic.

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Okay man, i was woring you were going crazy writing this Have a good day dude And always remember that internet conversations Are pointless and serve not point at the end of them So i don’t have a problem with the thred dying since nothing is going to ever happen from it just wasted time

M41A1 M42 T92、M41(GY) jpz 4-5、PT76B ASU-85 BTR ZD 2S3M、G6、M41A1(JP) TYPE61 TYPE75 PSH、PT76(CN) M42(CN)、AUBL/74、Magach1/2 Sho’t have night vision

By the way if we are going to be specific.

M-17T speed limit of BT-7 is given for an engine speed of 1650 RPM, but the real limit RPM is 2100 RPM. On the bench this engine provides 500 HP.
M-17T in the dashed line

On a dirt path, the real BT-7 can achieve 66.3 kph, after 100 hours of endurance trials. Which indicates that the ingame speeds are not necessarily correct.

The limit of the gearing is 68 kph.