War Thunder Vram issue

With new updates in War Thunder I have vram using problem. My gpu Rx 6600 xt ı have 8 gb vram enough for 1080 p but everytime crashing in game because of to much vram using. My other games dont have problem only have in War Thunder. Fix it Gaijin what for are you paying money to your programmers.


Please try to check if same issue happen when you lower the texture quality.
I do not have any errors with Vram and I am playing daily with UHQ texture pack in 1440p.

there’s fr something up. I was playing for damn near years of 1440p UHQ on my 5700XT and within the last month or so I’ve been running into the same issue and crashes with excessive VRAM usage forcing the game to reduce texture quality


Its a clusterfuck as usual. Had no problem all summer playing with the same PC, same settings.

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It’s been an issue since Seek & Destroy. No, it’s not our computers, not it’s not the drivers. It’s a game issue.

I have 0 hope they will ever fix this. None.

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The technical support is of course non existent. I reported the issue 2 weeks ago, and all they did was ask me for a dx diag TWICE!!!
Not even communicating anything, “like we tried the same gpu and no problem here”

I even reinstalled windows, reset my BIOS to optimized defaults. Every other game and gpu test I tried work flawlessly.

Time file a case with the EU consumer rights.


I have had RTX 3090 for 2 years, and since day 1 playing with UHQ client and every option cranked up results in the game automatically resetting the options and falling back to lowest texture mode after a few minutes. I noticed it doesn’t pass 16GB VRAM, but my GPU has 24GB of VRAM.

I basically gave up on UHQ client altogether.

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Played at 3K with everything maxxed out to right in settings. Had high stable FPS and no problems at

Then, textures started to become very low quality, blurry.


Some objects seem to have unloaded texture at all


This is less noticeable in DX11, so I did not even pay attention when it began to happen (in spring or summer 2024).
But after the release of “Firebirds”, these bugs intensified and it became impossible to play at all! In addition to unloading textures, freezes also appear!

In DX12, these bugs appear faster and more often,
Literally in front of the eyes in the hangar, the textures are unloaded by becoming blurry!



Pls don’t advice to lower resolution or settings. I’ve tested it even on low @ 720p.
It will happen in any case, just a little bit later.

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