Hello. l am an absolutely trash and worthless player who cannot play War Thunder worth shhh. l have been trying to play for 2 years now but have made no skill progress ever since. My k/d is well below 1 (both air and ground). l can’t play arcade and can’t play realistic. l am getting concerned that l must be mental or something because l have a couple friends who l convinced to start playing about a month ago and they are smoking me like crazy. l average around 4000 rp per hour (200-2000 per match) so lt takes me weeks to research 1 vehicle. l play both air and ground. My main trees are Germany ground 7.7, France ground 5.7, Sweden air 6.7 and USA planes 4.0. l have spent hours watching and reading tutorials and the wiki but it’s of no use. I’m just plain incopmetant. So does anyone know of a War Thunder tutoring service that could help me at least get better? I’m about to either destroy my computer or speak to a doctor at this point.
Brother, what are you playing to getting 200 RP/match? Are you using a M2A2 to research a M60 or what? I will be honest, the problem is clearly the way you play. Instead, try not just to rush into the enemy, if you play realistic battles, which I don’t recommend (because you have to do much effort to gain absolutely nothing), you have to get your gains on the enemies mistakes. In summary, try a more defensive gameplay. Tutorials in War Thunder and made by players for War Thunder are completely useless, except few that teach you how to use a modern plane with a wall of keybinds to use it properly, you have to mostly make your own way to play.
l use the vehicles that are directly before so l get an extra 10% rp boost. Also l never rush. l try to play defensively but then never get any kills. THe moment l leave hiding l die instantly, even after spending two entire minutes looking around with binoculars.
Imho this is valid for a large portion of the player base, nothing to worry about.
But seriously - if you look up the Dunning Kruger Effect you might find out that smart people tend to underestimate their abilities and skills - whilst guys on the other side of the IQ distribution curve tend to overestimate their skill.
As a pure Air RB player i would argue that you have chosen the wrong BR ranges for both as they require experience and stable personalities - otherwise you will lose your mind.
US 4.0 is filled with rookies and always a pain to fly with - if you want to get good results you need to fly on NA servers late at night / early morning in Europe when US kids are sleeping and US adults play in this BR range.
Sweden jets at BR 6.7 is imho even worse than US 4.0 as a hell of severely undertiered US/USSR jets which outperform you completely. At this BR matches are usually decided by JP or GB props or air spawn clowns in F-84s (US) and your success is mainly decided by the MM.
In order to give a positive feedback:
To get better in Air RB you need 2 things:
- Experience
- Crew skills - and the right ones
After a look at your available aircraft you can at least in the Swedish TT gain some quick wins:
- Use your B-18 B to grind. It is imho the best TT bomber regarding drop chances (95%) and survivability - and even in full uptiers able to drop and rtb safely.
It is one of the hardest targets to kill in this BR range if the pilot use it’s main strengths: Good climb, high speed, very good high alt performance and insanely strong defensive gun which allows you to outrange enemy fire by a substantial margin.
On top of that it turns like hell and is able to turnfight and win vs average fighters like P-51s or 109s. - Check out vids on DEFYNs yt channel about Swedish jets you want to fly.
- If you need support using B-18 B - just ask.
Have a good one!
Thanks for all the tips! Problem with the B-18 B is that since I’m researching jets wouldn’t there be an RP penalty due to rank difference?
This is imho a valid question - you can search the forum for the penalty ratios.
Imho you have to decide for you what is better:
Having a large RP spread (u wrote 200 - 2000) without penalties
Having a lower, but stable income whilst accepting a research penalty
Have in mind that the overwhelming majority of RP income is gained by time in the match. So you want to score and to stay alive as long as possible.
Thanks to the very good climb and very good high alt performance the (almost) only way to get killed in a B-18 B is own stupidity. Just a few aircraft (like I-225 or P-47 D 28/30) are able to outclimb you and are subsequently able to attack with a massive excess speed, all others are not really that fast at 8-9 km. So if they fly straight they get peppered from 2.5 km - and if they dodge they lose speed.
The B-18 B (i got a talisman for free on it) produces together with the new reseach bonus 5.000 RP on average - two example for usage as plain bomber.
- Sicily (replay link): Full uptier to 5.0, my team collapsed, i bombed a base and saw that the enemy team attacked the wrong targets, so i was sure to win by tickets if i survive. 2 Yak 3s and a 190 left, all 3 of them had no chance to get to alt (~9 km). 25 minutes match, ticket win: 5.214 RP, 1.564 RP to research JA-37C at 11.7.
- Kamchatka East (replay link) : Saw early game a very high B7A2s - flew a detour, killed 2 bases. Team dead, waited for the end of the match as tickets were hopeless behind and i can’t kill 2 JP planes (B7A2 & A6M3) if they have working brains, stick together and make no mistakes. 25 minutes match, ticket defeat: 4.698 RP, 1.409 RP to research JA-37C at 11.7.
The RP from bombing the bases were 898 in the first example and 1.120 in the second. So just ~ 20% of the total RP - rest came from game time and research bonus…
Have a good one!
I’d also argue that focusing on something you like playing as and which you feel like you do better at, is far better than worrying about RP penalties for not playing the right vehicle.
I’d much rather play something I enjoy and get a decent amount of points at, than constantly getting smoked while playing something I don’t enjoy. At the end of the day, I’ll still get more SL/RP with the vehicle I enjoy and do better at, than the other vehicles, and you’ll get those unlocks eventually anyway.
Also, it’s a game, so enjoyment should be the focus. In addition to this, things don’t automatically get better with the unlocks of new vehicles. All your opponents will just have similarly better vehicles too and the challenges you face will just increase or become different. Focusing on a line-up or BR that you think is fun is far more valuable, IMHO.
Alr l’ll try that strategy. Also how many bombs to destroy a base in the B-18 B? what bomb loadout should l do? Also what about the T18B?
True, l’m not having much fun lol
The TNT load is decisive, not the weight.
Use just the M 50 (=600 kg) bombs, no external loads as the drag slows you down and speed is life.
Up to BR 4.7 one M 50 kills a base. In 5.0 matches you need two.
I am not a friend of T-18Bs, both are way heavier than the B-18Bs and turn therefore worse. Even if the turn is good enough for a rookie enemy - If you have multiple opponents zoom climbing at you - u have no ventral turret to scare them away.
So if you are not really good enough to beat fighters in turnfights you might use the B-18B in order to protect your belly.
Basic stuff:
Disable “joining running battles” - no need for that. You just screwing up your initial positioning.
When you fly B-18B:
You need MEC. Not complicated, just assign 2 buttons:
#1: Activating / deactivating MEC (=Manual Engine Control)
#2: Activating / deactivating manual radiator control -
Climb with 250 kmph (IAS) and WEP and check water temperature. As soon as water hits 98/99 degree Celsius press button #1 and then #2.
The default setting of 50% for oil & water cooling (activated with button #2) allows you to fly without overheating the whole match with WEP. Above ~6.5 km the engines don’t overheat with full power - you don’t need the manual interference, just press button #1 and you are back to AEC (Automatic Engine Control). If you dive later below 6.5 km press button #1 again.
A last hint: Gaijin nerfed the air brake effectiveness on several aircraft a few weeks ago. The air brake on the B-18B does not longer allow you 90 degree dives; take care.
Very last hint: Do not try to turnfight B7A2s or SM 92s - my other favorite aircraft. They completely outturn you if flown by a veteran.
This is rather sad to read.
Have in mind that a hell of LW aces needed a very long time until they became successful.
In order to have at least some fun, use your B-239 after you watched this vid:
Thanks a lot man! Really appreciate all the help. Manual engine controls seem a little confusing at first but l’ll probably get used to it. Are there any tutorials out there expaining how to properly use manuel engine controls? Do they have to be used differently for different planes? When you run out of bombs do you go back to rearm or just chill up high to kill time? Also what’s the point of combat flaps, whenever l use them they seem to just slow me down and make me roll slower. Thanks again.
Yes, go to yt and look for DEFYNs channel, he made together with Adam 2 vids.
I mean that’s why i took an extremely easy example with the B-18 B to show that you can optimize plane performance just with pressing 2 buttons.
Frankly spoken i have zero clue how you flew your J-21A and A-21 - both aircraft overheat like hell with WEP. All you have to do is to set the prop pitch to 75% and both coolers to 50% and you can WEP the whole match without overheating.
And to be fair: Things get more complicated if you have to manually select super charger gears or prop pitch and coolers multiple times in a match depending on changes of altitudes.
I am not a good reference point as i play for fun only and don’t need SL or RP - i have everything i need.
So i feel no pressure to maximize the SL/RP income of a match with multiple bombing runs. Therefore there is no need to kill time or chilling at altitude. I usually land and j out in hopeless situations.
I stay airborne without rearming in the following cases:
I am the only guy left in my team and i have a realistic chance to win by tickets or to kill all remaining enemies.
I am just left alone with another team mate and my presence allows him to either score more points, to sneak up on enemies or to turn tickets in our favor. In addition we share the risk of getting a blind hunt order and avoid the red square.
I am the only guy left and landing and leaving is a bigger risk than staying airborne. On some map af aaa is not working properly, sometimes the runway is covered with fog / clouds and a hell of braindead players think suicide dives on a landing aircraft would be a smart idea. On top of that: Some of your opponents reach up to 900 kmph in dive, whilst you rip around 730.
Landing and j out takes more time than the enemy need to kill my last tickets. So no need to even try it.
Unclear where enemies are. If you fly 1 vs 6 and just 3 guys are ground pounding like there is no tomorrow and you see just the dot/contrail of one, it depends on your position on the map if is worth the risk (see #4) trying to land & leave.
But I do rearm if i have certain tasks like 2.000 point mission score or killing 1 / 6 / 20 bases (daily & special tasks). But only if all remaining enemies are spotted and I am aware of where they are.
Have in mind that if an enemy fighter spots an enemy bomber low he will dive on you and if his energy surplus is large enough you run out of speed and energy quite fast - and despite the B-18B can take some hits and turns well you have rather bad cards.
Landing, rearming and climbing back to altitude of 4 km takes a lot of time - so if you team is about to kill the last enemy it makes no sense.
If your team is going to lose, rearming & bombing makes no sense as your bombs won’t influence the outcome. You are just worsen your positioning vs the enemy team as you will most likely being camped.
Your observation regarding speed is correct 👍Complex but simple: You increase the lift of your wings at the expense of decreasing speed due to increased drag. So either you want to turn tighter or you want to delay your stall by lowering the stall speed.
I recommend DEFYN - iirc he has at least 2 vids (one with a 190 “Flaps”) covering this issue.
some people here are overly validating to comfort feelings instead of to provide factual insight into the situation and acknowledge realities (and difficulties)
Thanks for the response, l’ll look into DEFYNs videos. Also l finally got the A29 Tunnan but honestly it hasn’t been that great so far. Seems kinda slow. Any reccomendations on how to play it and what other swedish jets are good (ex: J32, J29 or Vampire)?
Imho you might consider this:
As written before: If you don’t have fun whilst playing - your game progress is technically seen irrelevant. And fun is usually connected to know how this game works and to play something in which you perform well.
So if you claim in your OP that you struggle to play the game successfully at current levels - things won’t get better at higher BRs.
Cool, appreciate the help