War Thunder "Storm Warning" - Changelog

Found another bug yeeeey.
The upper texture of wings is now made of glass and is projecting/reflecting underside texture on the upper side. (DLSS, RT, AA - off)

Upper side

Under side

The projection shapeshifts depending on camera angle. Happens with all aircraft.
Made a quick video, where it´s much more noticable.


Line Added:

  • Existing top brackets in Air Simulator Battles have been expanded to 14.0. You can find the table with current BR rotation on this War Thunder Wiki page.
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Sorry, if you got question on this, please ask it a bit more clear, I am a bit confused here (I am not into tech.aspects of jets).


the data link was added to this radar with this update, the change is missing in the changelog

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Or even better - remove all that customization crap.

A buff!? Maybe it is actually christmas.

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Outch, there is still no bracket with 12.3 tops… = (


I recommend to make it so air players in GRB CANNOT place a point-of-interest at the enemy spawn just like how a ground player can’t place a arty strike on the enemy spawn

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Look at all those top tier MBT fixes, thank god it wasn’t rushed.

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any performance fixes for the DX12 client?


@Stona_WT Will this be added to Test Flights too? Currently only working in battles which is a shame since it would be nice to be able to try out the feature without needing to be in battles

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i cant find it anywhere

My favorite is the two hobbits in the back of the Brigand


To allow also 12.3 to have a rotation where they’re top BR, maybe a change in the rotations would be possible?


Currently, 12.3’s are de facto treated like 12.7…


@Stona_WT Why haven’t these bug reports for Thai Aircrafts been sent to the developers? Both of these reports are performance critical and have 18 and 32 upvotes respectively. Please?


I don’t know why Test Flight doesn’t have the same map window interface anyway.


Yeah I would have thought that it would have been changed with the new test flight maps added last update. It’s stupid that it’s still the current window

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Cant wait for the ef and f15E to just dominate.

Rafale seems potent af as well.

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I don´t want to be a bad guy but why PZH 2000 have reload time of 13.0 sec standard. Everybody knows it can shoot 10 rounds in 1 minute (normal rate) till the loader is empty. This means we have 6 seconds with auto loader. Everybody knows such a tank is not manually loaded.

For this I don´t need to share any secret documents.

Second question where is my targeting computer so that I insert the coordinates and it´s starting rapid fire on position? Also not there. So you deliver anything looking like PzH 2000 but don´t have one of the functions this weapon have. For sure with this functions it will be top tier and not 7.7. but this tank is useless like Sholev nobody need it.


GCS-1 for Japanese Domestic aircraft when? (T2/F1/F-4EJ/EJ Kai) its already functioning in the game and modelled since 3 years